ISHLT Supports Research Funding for Advanced Heart and Lung Disease: Applications Open Now7 November 2023
The International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT) is now accepting applications for three research grants to be awarded during the first 2024 grant cycle, which concludes with the announcement of winners at the ISHLT Annual Meeting in April 2024. Applications for these grants will be accepted through 17 January, 2024.
November 2023 JHLT: The Podcast Special Episode on Pulmonary Vascular Disease1 November 2023
On the November 2023 episode of JHLT: The Podcast, the Digital Media Editors explore two studies from the November issue of The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation focusing on pulmonary vascular diseases.
ISHLT Election Results: Approved ISHLT Board of Directors & Leaders24 October 2023
The ISHLT Governance Nominating Committee is now able to announce the results of the 2024 ISHLT Elections for the Board of Directors and Professional Community Leadership Positions.
Imagine Prague: Arts & Culture24 October 2023
ISHLT2024 will take place in Prague, Czech Republic next April. There is so much artwork and history to explore in Prague. While you’re there for ISHLT2024, consider a visit to the Prague National Theater. Unlike other old sumptuous buildings throughout Europe that were built by royalty or rich sponsors, this theater is unique in that it was built entirely with public money.
ISHLT Voices: ddcf-DNA to Monitor Pediatric Heart Transplant Recipients, Presented by Natera18 October 2023
In this episode of the ISHLT Voices podcast, developed and presented by Natera, Dr. Shri Deshpande, a cardiologist at the National Children’s Hospital, discusses his work on improving the care of pediatric heart transplant patients using cell-free DNA in monitoring transplant recipients for rejection.
October 2023 Journal Watch: Pathology16 October 2023
This month’s ISHLT Journal Watch, a publication from the ISHLT Early Career and Trainee Committee, encapsulates the key themes of progress, innovation, and the changing responsibilities of pathologists in transplantation. In the issue, you’ll read about some of the new, less invasive techniques and technologies that make up the evolving role of the pathologist.
Early Career Stories Featuring Brittany Koons, PhD, RN10 October 2023
Brittany Koons, PhD, RN, clinical nurse at the University of Pennsylvania and Assistant Professor at Villanova University M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing in Villanova, Pennsylvania USA, is featured in this installment of Early Career Stories.
ALFTX Webinar: Ethical Challenges in Lung Transplantation10 October 2023
As the transplant waitlist and recipient population have changed, the ethical questions and challenges have evolved as well. This webinar included an overview of the ethical principles behind organ allocation and waitlist prioritization followed by several “current” ethical challenges transplant professionals face in their current practice.
October 2023 JHLT: The Podcast4 October 2023
On the October 2023 episode of JHLT: The Podcast, the Digital Media Editors explore two studies from the October issue of The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. The first explores how multiple risks in lung transplant patients affects patient success; the second examines driveline site infections in patients with LVADs.
ISHLT en Español Webinar: Hipertensión Pulmonar28 September 2023
Imagine Prague: History & Attractions26 September 2023
The 44th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions will take place in Prague, Czech Republic. This is the city of ancient spires, domes, and alleys; the land of preserved thousand-year-old history; the vibrant home of culture, music, and art. Spend your days sightseeing, city-walking, dumpling-eating, and pivo-drinking. Get to know Prague and start planning your travel to ISHLT2024!
ISHLT Endorses ITNS Conference26 September 2023
ITNS 2023 Annual Symposium Registration is now open! Join the International Transplant Nurses Society (ITNS) Annual Symposium to be held in Dallas, TX, USA, 12-15 October, 2023.
ISHLT Voices: Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome Part II, Presented by Zambon USA20 September 2023
Part two in this ISHLT Voices podcast series of “Experts Tackle Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome (BOS)”, presented by Zambon USA, explores bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) and takes a deep dive into the role of lung function monitoring post-transplant for the detection of chronic lung transplant rejection, specifically BOS.
WATCH NOW: Early Career & Trainee Webinar13 September 2023
The Early Career and Trainee Committee hosted the Heroic Pathways: Navigating Your Career Journey with Superhero Wisdom webinar earlier this month. Watch the recording now to hear more about institutional leadership from international experts.
ISHLT Endorses International CTEPH Conference (ICC) - Virtual Access Available12 September 2023
ISHLT has endorsed the 2023 International CTEPH Conference, hosted by the International CTEPH Association (ICA). Below, please find a message from ICA about the conference, along with additional information about how to register.
JHLT Open: Submit Now & Read First Publications12 September 2023
JHLT Open brings readers essential scholarly and timely information in the field of cardiopulmonary transplantation, mechanical and biological support of the failing heart, advanced lung disease (including pulmonary vascular disease) and cell replacement therapy.
Early Career Stories Featuring Nicholas Kolaitis, MD12 September 2023
Learn more about how these members entered the field of heart and lung failure and transplantation and how ISHLT has impacted their journey. Up first, Nicholas Kolaitis, MD is a pulmonologist and Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of California in San Francisco, California USA.
ISHLT Volunteer Portal Now Open11 September 2023
ISHLT is currently accepting applications from members interested in serving on an ISHLT committee. If you’re interested in getting more involved in the Society, this is a terrific opportunity to raise your hand.
ISHLT Endorses 4th Asia Pacific Mechanical Circulatory Support Conference/HFSS Annual Scientific Meeting 202322 August 2023
The International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT) is proud and grateful for the opportunity to endorse the 4th APACS MCS/HFSS Annual Scientific Meeting, to be held 22-23 September, 2023 at the Orchard Hotel in Singapore.
NOW OPEN: ISHLT2024 Call for Abstracts8 August 2023
Abstract submissions for ISHLT2024 are now open! The ISHLT Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions is the place to share your work internationally among the world’s most influential professionals in the field of advanced heart and lung failure, transplantation, mechanical circulatory support, and pulmonary vascular disease.