Pediatric to Adult Transition Task Force
The Pediatric to Adult Transition Task Force is tasked with addressing the need for a coordinated, multidisciplinary approach to patients transition from pediatric to adult healthcare systems.
Annual Meeting Program Planning Committee
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee promotes the growth and retention of membership within the Society by working with staff and the Society’s organizational components to develop strategies to remove barriers to participation and enhance the value of membership.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee consists of the five ISHLT officers (President-elect, President, Past- President, Secretary and Treasurer). They make urgent or emergency decisions for the Society, and provide leadership to the Board.
Foundation Board of Trustees
Past Presidents
TTX Registry Steering Committee
The International Thoracic Organ Transplant (TTX) Registry is one of a kind and was created to provide on-going, current data regarding patient, donor, and transplant characteristics as well as post-transplant outcomes.
Standards & Guidelines Committee
As part of its mission, ISHLT engages in the development of Professional Practice Guidelines and Consensus Statements, Health Policy Guidance Statements, and Standards Statements regarding care of patients with advanced heart and/or lung disease.
Research & Immunology Professional Community Representatives
Pulmonology Professional Community Representatives
Pulmonary Vascular Disease (PAH & CTEPH) Interdisciplinary Network Steering Committee
Each Interdisciplinary Network (IDN) is led by a Steering Committee, to ensure that the mission, purposes, and activities pursued by SHLT are reflective of the perspectives and needs of the entire health care delivery team.
Pharmacy Professional Community Representatives
Pediatrics Professional Community Representatives
Pathology Professional Community Representatives
Nursing & Allied Health Professional Community Representatives
Mechanical Circulatory Support Interdisciplinary Network Steering Committee
Each Interdisciplinary Network (IDN) is led by a Steering Committee, to ensure that the mission, purposes, and activities pursued by SHLT are reflective of the perspectives and needs of the entire health care delivery team.
Leadership Advisory Forum
The LAF provides a representation-based forum for the varied geographic, generational, gender, and specialty-based constituencies of ISHLT to discuss issues of interest and concern to their constituencies and the Society.
Infectious Diseases Professional Community Representatives
IMACS Registry Steering Committee
The ISHLT Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support (IMACS) is an international registry intended to enroll and follow patients who receive durable mechanically assisted circulatory support devices (MCSD).
Grants & Awards Committee
The purpose of the ISHLT Grants & Awards Program is to support research training in heart and lung transplantation as well as end-stage heart and lung diseases so as to encourage the development of clinical or basic science research implications.