ISHLT 45th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions

Sunday, 27 April – Wednesday, 30 April, 2025
John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center
Boston, MA USA


Support the ISHLT

ISHLT's Annual Meetings are attended by the world's premier specialists in treating advanced heart and lung disease. Participation is organized around the care team, ISHLT's unique interdisciplinary focus.

The Annual Meeting is your Opportunity to connect with medical professionals from the global transplant community.
ISHLT2025 Support Opportunities are SOLD OUT

Relationship & Thought Leader Opportunities

 Corporate Event

A Corporate Event is any activity (staff meeting, sales meeting, press conference, symposium, seminar, workshop, dinner, reception, investigator meeting, advisory board meeting, marketing event, etc.) funded, organized, or offered by any for-profit commercial organization and held in the Boston area from Friday, 25 April through Wednesday, 30 April, 2025.

 Private Office (Convention Center)

$8,000 USD, per office, per day | One (1) available on Sunday, 27 April

Completely private conference space is available for meetings or private offices at the John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center.

 Private Office (Sheraton Hotel)

$8,000 USD, per office, per day | Four (4) available for three (3) days

Completely private conference space is available for meetings or private offices at the Sheraton Boston Hotel.


 Coffee & Connection: Exhibit Hall Charging Lounge

$40,000 USD | Available for three (3) days

Keep attendees at full power! This support opportunity includes lounge seating with charging tables that charge devices quickly, with seating for networking.

NOTE: Lounge location will be next to exhibit hall entrance.


 Coffee & Connection: Poster Hall Charging Lounge

$40,000 USD | Available for three (3) days

Keep attendees at full power! This support opportunity includes lounge seating with charging tables that charge devices quickly, with seating for networking.

NOTE: Lounge location will be next to poster hall entrance.

 5K Fun Run / 2 Mile Walk

Contact for Pricing

Demonstrate your commitment to wellness by hosting the ISHLT Fun Run/Walk event in Boston. Your brand will be associated with a fun, healthy activity to start the day while connecting with the ISHLT community.

NOTE: Support must be secured no later than Wednesday, 30 October. For more information contact Lisa Collins, Meetings and Industry Partnerships Manager.

 Industry Symposium


Provide meeting delegates with information about current therapies and products in an hour-long, non-CME session. Your sessions will take place in ISHLT concurrent session meeting rooms which will be preset and accommodate between 300 – 500 attendees in theater style.

 Business Office in the Exhibit Hall


Need a little extra room? Additional conference space outside of your booth is available for meetings, staff workspace, or storage. A limited number of 6m x 3m offices built in the exhibit hall are available.


 Opening Reception in Exhibit Hall


Be the host supporter at the Opening Reception, which brings together all attendees in the exhibit hall for an hour of networking, reconnecting, and interacting.


 Early Career Reception


Help welcome trainees and junior faculty by supporting this networking reception especially for them. In addition to trainees and junior faculty, a number of ISHLT leaders will be invited to the event.


 First-Time Attendee Orientation & Welcome Breakfast


Be the first to welcome those new to the ISHLT community by supporting this networking event, which will include a review of the meeting program and meeting highlights by ISHLT president and program committee members.

Marketing & Advertising Opportunities: Communications


 Pre-Event Media:

"Invite a Friend" Broadcast Email


An email to registered attendees sent Wednesday, 12 March, 2025, encouraging attendees to invite a friend to attend ISHLT2025.


 Pre-Event Media:

"Know Before You Go" Broadcast Email


An email to registered attendees sent Wednesday, 23 April, 2025, with final details regarding ISHLT2025.


 Daily Conference Newsletter Broadcast Newsletter


Distributed to all attendees via email. Your banner in this newsletter prominently positions your company’s message every day of the meeting.

 Broadcast Newsletter


Includes one email blast sent by ISHLT to all pre-registrants of the ISHLT Annual Meeting who have opted in to receive information from ISHLT supporters regarding their products, programs and services. Perfect for notifying ISHLT delegates in advance of the products you will be displaying or about corporate events/industry theaters you will be conducting.


 Pre-Event Media:

"Event is Tomorrow" Broadcast Email


An email to registered attendees sent Saturday, 26 April, 2025, with a final reminder and details regarding ISHLT2025.


 Advertise on the ISHLT2025 Annual Meeting Home Page


Add your message on the ISHLT2025 home page, a frequent stop for our members with more than 55,000 views during a meeting cycle. Ad space in a prominent location is available on the ISHLT2025 home page and can be linked directly to your organization’s website.

Marketing & Advertising Opportunities: Branding


 Exhibit Hall Entrance Floorplan with Company Branding

$25,000 USD

Your logo and booth number will be front and center as attendees enter the hall. This giant floor decal/cling featuring the exhibit hall floorplan will help attendees navigate their way through the hall.

 Poster Hall Rapid Fire Forum Presentation Theater

$40,000 USD, per day | Three (3) days available

Your logo will appear on the screen and signage around the presentation theater, located in the center of the poster hall. This new poster session format will showcase the highest scoring posters, giving presenters the opportunity to address attendees in a rapid fire 5-minute presentation format.


 Hotel Keycards


Don’t miss the opportunity to feature your brand every time attendees access their hotel rooms. Add your company name (no logos) and attendees will remember you every time they use their room keycard.


 Poster Hall Entrance Floorplan with Company Branding


Your logo and booth number will be front and center as attendees view the poster hall floorplan, identifying poster numbers and primary practice area on a large floor decal/cling, helping attendees navigate through the poster sessions.


 Mobile Meeting App


Put your company’s message right in ISHLT2025 attendees’ hands with your exclusive support of the ISHLT Annual Meeting mobile app. Consistently rated a favorite by users (translating into over 107,000 splash page views per event!), the mobile app is the go-to resource guide for meeting attendees.


 WiFi Access for Delegates


Help ISHLT2025 attendees stay connected while away from home. Your support will provide wireless internet access throughout the meeting space.


 Badge Lanyards


Badge lanyards are a great option for exposure to every attendee. Add your company name (no logos) and it will go everywhere they go.