ISHLT 45th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions
Sunday, 27 April – Wednesday, 30 April, 2025
John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center
Boston, MA USA
Support the ISHLT
ISHLT's Annual Meetings are attended by the world's premier specialists in treating advanced heart and lung disease. Participation is organized around the care team, ISHLT's unique interdisciplinary focus.
The Annual Meeting is your Opportunity to connect with medical professionals from the global transplant community.
Relationship & Thought Leader Opportunities
Corporate Event
A Corporate Event is any activity (staff meeting, sales meeting, press conference, symposium, seminar, workshop, dinner, reception, investigator meeting, advisory board meeting, marketing event, etc.) funded, organized, or offered by any for-profit commercial organization and held in the Boston area from Friday, 25 April through Wednesday, 30 April, 2025.
Private Office (Convention Center)
$8,000 USD, per office, per day | One (1) available on Sunday, 27 April
Completely private conference space is available for meetings or private offices at the John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center.
Private Office (John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center)
$8,000 USD, per office, per day | Four (4) available for three (3) days
Completely private conference space is available for meetings or private offices at the John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center.
- Only company name (no logos) will be featured on ISHLT-provided signage outside the meeting room.
- Available daily during meeting hours from Sunday-Tuesday.
- Rooms will be set conference style for 15-20 people.
- Space can be augmented with additional furniture, AV equipment, food and beverage, etc. The supporting company is responsible for securing and associated costs for any of these items as well as additional cleaning, if required.
- Meetings with healthcare professionals are limited to a maximum of five at a time.
Private Office (Sheraton Hotel)
$8,000 USD, per office, per day | Four (4) available for three (3) days
Completely private conference space is available for meetings or private offices at the Sheraton Boston Hotel.
Private Office (John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center)
$8,000 USD, per office, per day | Four (4) available for three (3) days
Completely private conference space is available for meetings or private offices at the Sheraton Boston Hotel.
- Only company name (no logos) will be featured on ISHLT-provided signage outside the meeting room.
- Available daily during meeting hours from Sunday-Tuesday.
- Rooms will be set conference style for 15-20 people.
- Space can be augmented with additional furniture, AV equipment, food and beverage, etc. The supporting company is responsible for securing and associated costs for any of these items as well as additional cleaning, if required.
- Meetings with healthcare professionals are limited to a maximum of five at a time.

Coffee & Connection: Exhibit Hall Charging Lounge

$40,000 USD | Available for three (3) days
Keep attendees at full power! This support opportunity includes lounge seating with charging tables that charge devices quickly, with seating for networking.
NOTE: Lounge location will be next to exhibit hall entrance.

Coffee & Connections: Exhibit Hall Charging Lounge
$40,000 USD | Available for three (3) days
Keep attendees at full power! This support opportunity includes lounge seating with charging tables that charge devices quickly, with seating for networking.
NOTE: Lounge location will be next to exhibit hall entrance.
- Coffee station will be placed in close proximity to charging lounge.
- Lounge seating area with charging tables.
- Company may provide additional food and beverage if they choose, at their own cost (no alcohol).
- Additional items needed are the responsibility of the supporting company, including charging cables and USB plugs.
- Supporting company can customize these cables and plugs with brand specific information including logo.
- Specific cable and plug types information will be provided by ISHLT.
- Design must be approved by ISHLT by Wednesday, 15 February, 2025.

Coffee & Connection: Poster Hall Charging Lounge

$40,000 USD | Available for three (3) days
Keep attendees at full power! This support opportunity includes lounge seating with charging tables that charge devices quickly, with seating for networking.
NOTE: Lounge location will be next to poster hall entrance.

Coffee & Connections: Poster Hall Charging Lounge
$40,000 USD | Available for three (3) days
Keep attendees at full power! This support opportunity includes lounge seating with charging tables that charge devices quickly, with seating for networking.
NOTE: Lounge location will be next to poster hall entrance.
- Coffee station will be placed in close proximity to charging lounge.
- Lounge seating area with charging tables.
- Company may provide additional food and beverage if they choose, at their own cost (no alcohol).
- Additional items needed are the responsibility of the supporting company, including charging cables and USB plugs.
- Supporting company can customize these cables and plugs with brand specific information including logo.
- Specific cable and plug types information will be provided by ISHLT.
- Design must be approved by ISHLT by Wednesday, 15 February, 2025.
5K Fun Run / 2 Mile Walk

Contact for Pricing
Demonstrate your commitment to wellness by hosting the ISHLT Fun Run/Walk event in Boston. Your brand will be associated with a fun, healthy activity to start the day while connecting with the ISHLT community.
NOTE: Support must be secured no later than Wednesday, 30 October. For more information contact Lisa Collins, Meetings and Industry Partnerships Manager.

5K Fun Run / 2 Mile Walk
Contact for Pricing
Demonstrate your commitment to wellness by hosting the ISHLT Fun Run/Walk event in Boston. Your brand will be associated with a fun, healthy activity to start the day while connecting with the ISHLT community.
NOTE: Support must be secured no later than Wednesday, 30 October. For more information contact Lisa Collins, Meetings and Industry Partnerships Manager.
- Select Fun Run/Walk date and time.
- Registration to participate will be part of the ISHLT2025 Annual Meeting registration process/system.
- Select marketing as determined by the ISHLT Director, Marketing & Communications.
- Select signage on site as determined by ISHLT staff.
- Review and approve any material that will be distributed.
- All sourcing and contracting of the vendor to host the Fun Run/Walk.
- Selection of location for the Fun Run/Walk - to be approved by ISHLT.
- Transportation and costs associated with it, between Fun Run/Walk location and hotels and/or Hynes Convention Center. (Note: if location is too far from hotels and/or the Hynes Convention Center, sponsoring organization will be required to provide and pay for transportation).
- Coverage and cost for additional insurance to cover the event, as required.
- Payment for all costs and fees associated with hosting the Fun Run to the selected vendor.
- These payments will be made directly by company to the vendor, selected by supporting organization.
- The $50,000 support fee will be paid to ISHLT to host this event.
- The vendor you select must provide support in the following areas:
- Run/walk route.
- Any permits or additional needs as required by the City of Boston to host this event.
- Participant waivers of liability.
- This waiver must be reviewed and approved by ISHLT and supporting organization.
- Production of Race Bibs to distinguish runners/walkers as well as providing Race Bibs to runners/walkers.
- Water and snacks (ie. bananas, protein bars) before, during and after the run.
- Any directional signage needed for the course.
- Staffing for the entirety of the race, including but not limited to:
- Staff to handout and collect waivers. As well as ensuring each participant has turned in a signed waiver prior to the start of the race.
- Staff to support distribution of bibs, any additional collateral that should be distributed (maps), food and beverage.
- Staff to mark and assist runners throughout the course.
- Prizes for top runners/walkers – if you choose, but not required.
- Provide a t-shirt for participants if you choose, but not required.
Industry Symposium
Provide meeting delegates with information about current therapies and products in an hour-long, non-CME session. Your sessions will take place in ISHLT concurrent session meeting rooms which will be preset and accommodate between 300 – 500 attendees in theater style.
Industry Symposium
Provide meeting delegates with information about current therapies and products in an hour-long, non-CME session. Your sessions will take place in ISHLT concurrent session meeting rooms which will be preset and accommodate between 300 – 500 attendees in theater style.
One-hour, In-Person, Non-CME Session
All rooms available will accommodate between 300 - 500 attendees.
*Maximum number of attendees will vary depending upon meeting room available
- Session to take place in ISHLT concurrent session meeting rooms.
- Theater style room set (chairs only) with standard Audio/Visual equipment.
- Promotion on the ISHLT2025 mobile app.
- Signage outside the session room.
- Session cannot exceed the one-hour time period that has been assigned.
- Any session that exceeds the one-hour time period assigned may be penalized at future ISHLT meetings by the inability to host an industry symposium and/or inability to exhibit.
- Room set: theater style (chairs only), riser, head table for 4-6 people, standing podium
- NOTE: Room sets cannot be changed.
- Audio/Visual (AV) includes; 1 podium microphone, 1 lavalier microphone, 2-3 head table microphones, 1-2 aisle microphones, 1-2 LCD projectors, 1-2 screens, sound system, 1 laser pointer, dedicated AV technician, and laptop (presentations must be submitted to Orchestrate presentation management system prior to the session).
- The supporting company is responsible for securing and associated costs for:
- Additional AV needs including recording of session.
- Food and beverage: only box lunches and beverages are permitted.
- All print or digital invitations, brochures, flyers, signs, etc. must be approved by ISHLT and include the following easily readable text, placed prominently: “This is an independent non-CME event and is not an official part of the ISHLT Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions.”
- Additional cleaning fees imposed by the John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center for food & beverage and trash removal in the meeting room.
Companies who wish to conduct an Industry Symposium Session must comply with the Industry Symposium Session Policies.
Business Office in the Exhibit Hall
Need a little extra room? Additional conference space outside of your booth is available for meetings, staff workspace, or storage. A limited number of 6m x 3m offices built in the exhibit hall are available.
Business Office in the Exhibit Hall
Need a little extra room? Additional conference space outside of your booth is available for meetings, staff workspace, or storage. A limited number of 6m x 3m offices built in the exhibit hall are available.
- Office space with four walls and a lockable door. Offices do not have a ceiling and are not soundproof.
- Offices do not include carpet, furniture, AV equipment, food and beverage, etc.
- Space can be augmented with carpet, furniture, AV equipment, food and beverage, etc. The supporting company is responsible for securing and associated costs for any of these items as well as additional cleaning, if required.
- Available daily during exhibit hours (hours subject to change):
- Sunday, 27 April | 9:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
- Monday, 28 April | 9:15 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, 29 April | 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
- Your office may be accessed by both booth personnel and registered attendees.
- Meetings with healthcare professionals are limited to a maximum of five at a time.

Opening Reception in Exhibit Hall
Be the host supporter at the Opening Reception, which brings together all attendees in the exhibit hall for an hour of networking, reconnecting, and interacting.

Opening Reception in Exhibit Hall on Sunday

Be the host supporter at the Opening Reception, which brings together all attendees in the exhibit hall for an hour of networking, reconnecting, and interacting.
- Logo branding inside and outside the exhibit hall displayed during the reception (provided by ISHLT).
- ISHLT will be responsible for ordering food and beverage (heavy hors d’oeuvres/stations and hosted beer and wine bar).
- At your company’s expense, you may provide plates, cups, and napkins with your company name, booth number, and logo only. ISHLT must approve artwork prior to production.
- Promotion in mobile app and other promotional messaging as determined by ISHLT.

Early Career Reception
Help welcome trainees and junior faculty by supporting this networking reception especially for them. In addition to trainees and junior faculty, a number of ISHLT leaders will be invited to the event.

Early Career Reception

Help welcome trainees and junior faculty by supporting this networking reception especially for them. In addition to trainees and junior faculty, a number of ISHLT leaders will be invited to the event.
- Opportunity to briefly address the group.
- Signage with supporter logo displayed during the reception.
- Promotion in mobile app and other promotional messaging as determined by ISHLT.

First-Time Attendee Orientation & Welcome Breakfast
Be the first to welcome those new to the ISHLT community by supporting this networking event, which will include a review of the meeting program and meeting highlights by ISHLT president and program committee members.

First-Time Attendee Orientation & Welcome Breakfast on Sunday

Be the first to welcome those new to the ISHLT community by supporting this networking event, which will include a review of the meeting program and meeting highlights by ISHLT president and program committee members.
- Opportunity to briefly address the group.
- Branding with supporter logo displayed during the breakfast.
- Promotion in mobile app and other promotional messaging as determined by ISHLT.
Marketing & Advertising Opportunities: Communications

Pre-Event Media:
"Invite a Friend" Broadcast Email
An email to registered attendees sent Wednesday, 12 March, 2025, encouraging attendees to invite a friend to attend ISHLT2025.

Pre-Event Media:
"Invite a Friend" Broadcast Email

$5,000 USD
An email to registered attendees sent Wednesday, 12 March, 2025, encouraging attendees to invite a friend to attend ISHLT2025.
- A banner ad at the bottom of the email.
- Banner ad specifications: 600 pixels wide X 150 pixels high / 90 PPI in PNG or JPEG format.
- Banner ad due: Thursday, 13 February, 2025.

Pre-Event Media:
"Know Before You Go" Broadcast Email
An email to registered attendees sent Wednesday, 23 April, 2025, with final details regarding ISHLT2025.

Pre-Event Media:
"Know Before You Go" Broadcast Email

An email to registered attendees sent Wednesday, 23 April, 2025, with final details regarding ISHLT2025.
- A banner ad at the bottom of the email.
- Banner ad specifications: 600 pixels wide X 150 pixels high / 90 PPI in PNG or JPEG format.
- Banner ad due: Monday, 10 March, 2025.

Daily Conference Newsletter Broadcast Newsletter
Distributed to all attendees via email. Your banner in this newsletter prominently positions your company’s message every day of the meeting.

Daily Conference Newsletter Broadcast Newsletter

Distributed to all attendees via email. Your banner in this newsletter prominently positions your company’s message every day of the meeting.
- Single advertiser gets a banner ad at the bottom of the email.
- Banner ad specifications: 600 pixels wide X 150 pixels high / 90 PPI in PNG or JPEG format.
- You may provide a different banner for each day of the conference, as long as all are turned in by the due date and it’s clear which day each banner should be displayed.
- You may suggest a URL you wish the banner to link to. ISHLT reserves the right to determine which URLs are appropriate given CME and conflict of interest limitations for the meeting.
- Banner ads due: Monday, 10 March, 2025.
Broadcast Newsletter
Includes one email blast sent by ISHLT to all pre-registrants of the ISHLT Annual Meeting who have opted in to receive information from ISHLT supporters regarding their products, programs and services. Perfect for notifying ISHLT delegates in advance of the products you will be displaying or about corporate events/industry theaters you will be conducting.
Broadcast Newsletter
Includes one email blast sent by ISHLT to all pre-registrants of the ISHLT Annual Meeting who have opted in to receive information from ISHLT supporters regarding their products, programs and services. Perfect for notifying ISHLT delegates in advance of the products you will be displaying or about corporate events/industry theaters you will be conducting.
- Your target send date must be agreed upon with ISHLT staff by no later than 3 February, 2025. ISHLT reserves the right to review and approve your email or to select a different send date for your email.
- Fully coded HTML email content must be received by ISHLT 21 days in advance of your target send date.
- No broadcast emails may be sent after 16 April, 2025.
- Event announcement and/or event invitations must include the following text placed prominently and printed in a size large enough to be easily read: “This is an independent non-CME Event/Product and is not an official part of the ISHLT Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions.”

Pre-Event Media:
"Event is Tomorrow" Broadcast Email
An email to registered attendees sent Saturday, 26 April, 2025, with a final reminder and details regarding ISHLT2025.

Pre-Event Media:
"Event is Tomorrow" Broadcast Email
An email to registered attendees sent Saturday, 26 April, 2025, with a final reminder and details regarding ISHLT2025.
- A banner ad at the bottom of the email.
- Banner ad specifications: 600 pixels wide X 150 pixels high / 90 PPI in PNG or JPEG format.
- Banner ad due: Monday, 10 March, 2025.

Advertise on the ISHLT2025 Annual Meeting Home Page
Add your message on the ISHLT2025 home page, a frequent stop for our members with more than 55,000 views during a meeting cycle. Ad space in a prominent location is available on the ISHLT2025 home page and can be linked directly to your organization’s website.

Advertise on the ISHLT2025 Annual Meeting Home Page
Add your message on the ISHLT2025 home page, a frequent stop for our members with more than 55,000 views during a meeting cycle. Ad space in a prominent location is available on the ISHLT2025 home page and can be linked directly to your organization’s website.
- Upper Right Box, next to Announcements (366 pixels wide x 416 pixels high).
- Format must be in JPG, JPEG, PNG, or GIF and at least 90 DPI.
- Maximum file size is 10 MB.
Marketing & Advertising Opportunities: Branding

Exhibit Hall Entrance Floorplan with Company Branding

$25,000 USD
Your logo and booth number will be front and center as attendees enter the hall. This giant floor decal/cling featuring the exhibit hall floorplan will help attendees navigate their way through the hall.

Exhibit Hall Entrance Floorplan with Company Branding
$25,000 USD
Your logo and booth number will be front and center as attendees enter the hall. This giant floor decal/cling featuring the exhibit hall floorplan will help attendees navigate their way through the hall.
- Company logo and booth number placed prominently on floor decal/cling.
- ISHLT will arrange to have floor decal/cling produced and installed.
- Supporting company must submit graphics by Wednesday, 12 February, 2025. ISHLT will provide specifications.
Poster Hall Rapid Fire Forum Presentation Theater

$40,000 USD, per day | Three (3) days available
Your logo will appear on the screen and signage around the presentation theater, located in the center of the poster hall. This new poster session format will showcase the highest scoring posters, giving presenters the opportunity to address attendees in a rapid fire 5-minute presentation format.

Poster Hall Rapid Fire Forum Presentation Theater
$40,000 USD, per day | Two (2) days available
Your logo will appear on the screen and signage around the presentation theater, located in the center of the poster hall. This new poster session format will showcase the highest scoring posters, giving presenters the opportunity to address attendees in a rapid fire 5-minute presentation format.
- Company logo, placed prominently on the session screen and signage around the theater area.
- ISHLT will arrange to have signage produced and installed.
- Promotion in mobile app and other promotional messaging as determined by ISHLT.
- Supporting company must submit graphics by Wednesday, 12 February, 2025. ISHLT will provide specifications.

Hotel Keycards
Don’t miss the opportunity to feature your brand every time attendees access their hotel rooms. Add your company name (no logos) and attendees will remember you every time they use their room keycard.

Hotel Keycard
Don’t miss the opportunity to feature your brand every time attendees access their hotel rooms. Add your company name (no logos) and attendees will remember you every time they use their room keycard.
- Company name (no logos).
- Company name on one side only; ISHLT meeting branding will be on reverse side of card.
- Supporting company must submit a proof and design to ISHLT staff by Wednesday, 12 February, 2025.

Poster Hall Entrance Floorplan with Company Branding

Your logo and booth number will be front and center as attendees view the poster hall floorplan, identifying poster numbers and primary practice area on a large floor decal/cling, helping attendees navigate through the poster sessions.

Poster Hall Entrance Floorplan with Company Branding
Your logo and booth number will be front and center as attendees view the poster hall floorplan, identifying poster numbers and primary practice area on a large floor decal/cling, helping attendees navigate through the poster sessions.
- Company logo and booth number placed prominently on floor decal/cling.
- ISHLT will arrange to have floor decal/cling produced and installed.
- Supporting company must submit graphics by Wednesday, 12 February, 2025. ISHLT will provide specifications.

Mobile Meeting App
Put your company’s message right in ISHLT2025 attendees’ hands with your exclusive support of the ISHLT Annual Meeting mobile app. Consistently rated a favorite by users (translating into over 107,000 splash page views per event!), the mobile app is the go-to resource guide for meeting attendees.

Mobile Meeting App

Put your company’s message right in ISHLT2025 attendees’ hands with your exclusive support of the ISHLT Annual Meeting mobile app. Consistently rated a favorite by users (translating into over 107,000 splash page views per event!), the mobile app is the go-to resource guide for meeting attendees.
Artwork due: Wednesday, 12 February, 2025
- 1000x1000px Branded splash page (artwork provided by supporter and approved by ISHLT).
- 600x100px Banner ad inside the app, linkable to company website (artwork provided by supporter and approved by ISHLT).
- Supporter branding and recognition on-site.

WiFi Access for Delegates
Help ISHLT2025 attendees stay connected while away from home. Your support will provide wireless internet access throughout the meeting space.

WiFi Access for Delegates
Help ISHLT2025 attendees stay connected while away from home. Your support will provide wireless internet access throughout the meeting space.
- Customizable SSID and password, subject to convention center rules.
- Splash page displayed on WiFi sign-in with your company logo and a URL redirect.
- Supporter branding and recognition on-site.

Badge Lanyards
Badge lanyards are a great option for exposure to every attendee. Add your company name (no logos) and it will go everywhere they go.

Badge Lanyards
Badge lanyards are a great option for exposure to every attendee. Add your company name (no logos) and it will go everywhere they go.
- Lanyard can include company name (no logos).
- Supporting company responsible for ordering, shipping, and cost of lanyards, but must work with ISHLT staff to ensure the correct lanyard type is ordered.
- Supporting company must submit a proof of lanyard type and design to ISHLT staff by Monday, 3 February, 2025.
- Lanyards must be delivered by Wednesday, 12 February, 2025.