Call for Volunteers
Apply to Serve on an ISHLT Committee

Applications to serve on a Committee for the 2025-2026 term are now closed.
ISHLT offers opportunities for members to contribute and engage with colleagues around the globe by serving on a committee. As a volunteer, you will make connections and work alongside other members and leaders across the field of advanced heart and lung disease and develop your leadership skills. ISHLT members who volunteer in leadership roles report a deeper connection to the ISHLT community and more satisfaction with their ISHLT membership.
ISHLT promotes gender parity and regional, professional specialty, and career stage diversity in the Society, and works to ensure this is reflected in the organization’s volunteer leadership. All Physician, Non-Physician, and Trainee members in good standing are eligible to serve on committees, task forces, and other working groups.
Committees Seeking Volunteers
Advocacy Committee
1 year term
ISHLT advocates in response to opportunities anywhere in the world that support or inform research, education, technologies, and policies that improve access to care and outcomes for patients with advanced heart and lung disease. The Advocacy Committee develops and maintains general guidance about issues the Society should address and is responsible for providing procedural guidance and event-driven input to inform ISHLT activities as an organization or in partnership with other organizations.
Awards & Recognition Committee
3 year term
The ISHLT Awards & Recognition Committee (ARC) ensures a robust, transparent, and dynamic awards program that elevates excellence and achievements in contributions to the field and to ISHLT, at all career stages, and within the professional specialties that comprise ISHLT. These awards honor individuals who have significantly contributed to the understanding and treatment of advanced heart and lung disease and/or to ISHLT, including leaders in mentorship and training and those who advance ISHLT's reach, values, and mission.
Ethics in Transplantation Committee
1 year term
The ISHLT Ethics in Transplantation Committee promotes ethical practices and standards by developing guidelines, addressing emerging ethical challenges, framing and reinforcing ISHLT’s commitment to responsible transplantation practices, and fostering global collaboration. It ensures alignment with frameworks like the Declaration of Helsinki, supports transparent and fair practices, and works with other societies to create unified approaches to ethical issues.
Finance Committee
1 year term
The Finance Committee assists with the development of the Society's annual budget and oversees the financial performance of the Society. It reviews an annual independent auditor's
report, oversees the Society's investments, addresses financial matters as requested by the Board of Directors, and provides general guidance to the Board related to the fiscal well-being of the Society.
Grants Committee
2 year term
The ISHLT Grants Committee (GC) is dedicated to establishing and maintaining a comprehensive, transparent, and dynamic grants program that fosters innovation and excellence in research and clinical practice within the field of advanced heart and lung disease. The GC supports researchers and clinicians at all career stages, promoting projects that significantly advance the understanding, treatment, and outcomes for advanced heart and lung diseases. By providing funding opportunities, the GC aims to cultivate a diverse and inclusive research environment, develop the pipeline of investigators through all career stages, encourage interdisciplinary collaboration, inspire innovation, and uphold ISHLT's mission and values, ultimately enhancing the Society's impact and reach in the global healthcare community.
Membership Committee
3 year term
The Membership Committee promotes the growth and retention of membership within the Society by working with staff and the Society’s organizational components to develop strategies to remove barriers to participation and enhance the value of membership.
Membership & Outreach Oversight Committee
3 year term
The Membership & Outreach Oversight Committee develops recommendations for the Board regarding the strategic plan as it relates to social/societal issues, including purposes, goals, strategies, tactics, and outcome metrics. It develops, implements, and oversees adherence to policies and procedures governing the operational and fiscal aspects of issues in the portfolio, such as membership, ethics, advocacy, DEI, and organizational liaison. It will provide guidance and oversight to the Chairs of the committees under its purview and ensure the engagement of a diverse spectrum of members in ISHLT activities.
Research Oversight Committee
3 year term
The Research Oversight Committee develops recommendations for the Board of Directors related to research. It ensures ISHLT’s research portfolio furthers the Society’s strategic plan and meets the needs of its members. It develops, implements, and oversees adherence to policies and contracts governing the operational and fiscal aspects of all programs under its purview and provides guidance and oversight to the individual committee chairs. It facilitates the engagement of a diverse spectrum of members in ISHLT’s research portfolio, monitors adherence to policy, evaluates ISHLT’s research activities, and serves as a Conflict of Interest Committee for research activities.
Standards & Guidelines Committee
1 year term for At-Large Members
ISHLT engages in the regular development of guidelines, consensus documents, standards statements, and policy statements regarding the care of patients with advanced heart and/or lung disease. The Standards and Guidelines Committee reviews and approves applications to develop standards and guidelines documents and to conduct consensus conferences. The committee also identifies organizations for collaborative activities, reviews Standards and Guidelines Protocol and applications, oversees writing committee progress reports, and reviews all final drafts of S&G documents.
International Thoracic Organ Transplant (TTX) Registry
3 year term for Associate Directors
The International Thoracic Organ Transplant (TTX) Registry was created to provide on-going, current data regarding patient, donor, and transplant characteristics as well as post-transplant outcomes. Our Registry is the only one of its kind. All institutions and countries performing heart, heart-lung, and/or lung transplantation are invited to submit data to the TTX Registry. The ISHLT Transplant Registry has been in the process of relaunching since the enactment of privacy laws in Europe in 2018 (GDPR). This year, the Registry team is excited to be presenting new data for the first time since the relaunch began. The team is now seeking four new Associate Directors to help with this exciting effort including one each from the following categories: adult heart, adult lung, pediatric heart and pediatric lung.
If you have questions about volunteering, the volunteer application process, or committees seeking volunteers, email or call +1-312-224-0022.
Other Volunteer Opportunities
Other volunteer opportunities are available throughout the year by appointment, elections, or via individual calls for applications. Announcements about these openings are highlighted in the member newsletter ISHLTaccess, and communicated to members by email and ISHLT’s online member forums in ISHLTconnect.

Board of Directors
Governance Committee
Leadership Advisory Forum
Professional Community Representatives
Early Career and Trainee Committee
Annual Meeting Program Committee
Annual Meeting Abstract Reviewers
JHLT Editorial
IMACS Steering Committee
TTX Registry Steering Committee