30th and Prior Annual Meetings & Scientific Sessions
14 March, 1981 to 24 April, 2010 -
1st Fall Education Meeting
25 to 27 September, 1998Grand Hyatt Hotel
Washington, DC, USA -
2nd Fall Education Meeting
5 to 6 November, 1999Hyatt Regency Hotel
Atlanta, GA, USA -
3rd Fall Education Meeting
9 to 10 November, 2001Hyatt Regency Orange County Hotel
Anaheim, CA, USA -
4th Fall Education Meeting
15 to 17 September, 2002St. John's College
Cambridge, United Kingdom -
5th Fall Education Meeting
7 to 8 November, 2003Renaissance Orlando Resort at Sea World
Orlando, FL, USA -
7th Fall Education Meeting
11 to 12 November, 2005The Adolphus Hotel
Dallas, Texas, USA -
2010 ISHLT Academy Core Competencies in Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplantation
24 to 25 April, 2010This course is primarily designed to be of benefit for clinicians and allied professionals who are in the early stages of their careers or who are in training, are part of a new program or desire an update on the current state of the field.
Chicago, IL, USA -
2011 ISHLT Academy Core Competencies in Lung Transplantation
12 to 13 April, 2011The ISHLT Academy: Core Competencies in Lung Transplantation will provide a concise review of clinical knowledge and essential professional skills to facilitate best practice of surgical and medical aspects involved in the care of patients during assessment as candidates and as recipients of lung transplantation.
San Diego, CA, USA -
31st Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions
13 to 16 April, 2011Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel
San Diego, CA, USA -
2012 ISHLT Academy Core Competencies in Mechanical Circulatory Support
17 April, 2012 7:30 a.m. to 6:45 p.m.This Academy will provide a concise review of clinical knowledge and essential professional skills to facilitate the surgical and medical management of patients with advanced heart failure who are being assessed for and who have received durable mechanical circulatory support.
Prague, Czech Republic -
32nd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions
18 to 21 April, 2012Prague Congress Centre
Prague, Czech Republic -
2013 ISHLT Academy Core Competencies in Pediatric Heart and Lung Transplantation
23 April, 2013 7:45 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.The course consists of focused presentations covering a broad array of topics for both inpatient and outpatient management with an emphasis on a practical approach to patient care, implementing best practices and clinical problem solving.
Montreal, QC, Canada -
2013 ISHLT Academy Core Competencies in Mechanical Circulatory Support
23 April, 2013 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.This Academy will provide a concise review of clinical knowledge and essential professional skills to facilitate the surgical and medical management of patients with advanced heart failure who are being assessed for and who have received durable mechanical circulatory support. The course consists of focused presentations covering a broad array of topics for both inpatient and outpatient management with an emphasis on a practical approach to patient care, implementing best practices and clinical problem solving.
Montreal, QC, Canada -
33rd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions
24 to 27 April, 2013Palais des congrès de Montréal
Montreal, QC, Canada -
2014 ISHLT Academy Master Class in Mechanical Circulatory Support
7 to 8 April, 2014The educational goals of this activity are to provide an in-depth exploration and application of current knowledge and practices that can lead to better outcomes with mechanical circulatory support. The ISHLT MASTERS Academy provides didactic plenary lectures as well as moderated debates, meet the expert panel discussions and case presentations on specific topics beyond core competencies via small group sessions.
Coronado Island, CA, USA -
2014 ISHLT Academy Core Competencies in Mechanical Circulatory Support
7 to 8 April, 2014The MCS ISHLT Master Class presents a unique international educational opportunity for specialists and developing experts in the field of Mechanical Circulatory Support. A concerted effort brings together faculty and experts to provide an interactive environment well beyond core competency training. The Master Class Modules (MCM) are arranged in advanced breakout sessions for every participant to take full advantage of an integrated curriculum and the exceptional networking opportunity. The specific topics are devised according to defined clinical practice gaps in this fast developing specialty.
Coronado Island, CA, USA -
2014 ISHLT Academy Core Competencies in Nursing, Health Science, and Allied Health
9 April, 2014 7:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.This Academy is intended to offer a concise synopsis of clinical knowledge to support mastery of pertinent aspects of the selection, pre-transplant, perioperative, and post-transplant management of the thoracic transplant organ recipient by Nursing, Health Sciences, and Allied Health professionals. In addition to basic knowledge, attention is also paid to patients with special needs who require transplantation and to the Nursing, Health Sciences, and Allied Health professional caring for this unique population.
San Diego, CA, USA -
2014 ISHLT Academy Core Competencies in Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplant Medicine
9 April, 2014 7:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.The educational goals of this activity are to provide a concise review of clinical knowledge and essential professional skills to facilitate best practice of surgical and medical aspects involved in the care of patients with advanced heart failure.
San Diego, CA, USA -
2014 ISHLT Academy Core Competencies in Basic Science and Translational Research
9 April, 2014 7:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.The educational goals of this activity are to provide a concise review of basic concepts in transplant-related immunology and molecular biology, to define and promote the clinical relevance of BSTR related to heart and lung tx, and to encourage interaction between basic scientists, translational researchers and clinicians
San Diego, CA, USA