Research & Immunology Professional Community
On this page, view what's new in Research & Immunology, including upcoming events and the latest publications.
- Get in touch with your Professional Community representatives
- Learn more about the role of the Professional Communities in ISHLT
- Reach the Research & Immunology community on our online discussion forum, ISHLTconnect
Both ISHLT members and nonmembers can now access the Professional Communities on ISHLTconnect.
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The Latest in Research & Immunology
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The Role of the Professional Community
ISHLT members who list their primary Professional Community as Research and Immunology will automatically be members of the Research and Immunology Professional Community.
Research and Immunology Professional Community members will engage and share knowledge and information with each other via the online Research and Immunology Community in ISHLTConnect and will help ISHLT maintain its vibrant and unique multidisciplinary character by:
- Electing Research and Immunology representatives to the relevant Interdisciplinary Networks (AHFTX, MCS, PVD, ALFTX)
- Electing a Research and Immunology representative to the Early Career and Trainee Committee
- Providing the voices of researchers and immunology professionals in the Leadership Advisory Forum
- Providing Research and Immunology content experts to participate in developing and delivering ISHLT’s programs and services and serving in other volunteer capacities
- Networking with colleagues and engage with each other regarding issues of interest in research and immunology
- Mentoring Research and Immunology professionals in the early stages of their career
- Welcoming new researchers and immunology professionals into the Society
- Identifying researchers' and immunologists' interests and bringing them to the Interdisciplinary Networks and the Leadership Advisory Forum for consideration