ISHLT 45th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions
Sunday, 27 April – Wednesday, 30 April, 2025
John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center
Boston, MA USA
Review, Selection & Publication
Abstract Review
After the submission deadline, completed abstracts will undergo peer review. All abstracts will be blinded for review, i.e. reviewed without knowledge of the author(s), institution(s) or disclosure information.
To ensure the integrity of the review process, revisions will not be accepted after the submission deadline.
Abstract Selection
The Program Planning Committee will convene in mid-November through early December to select abstracts and determine their presentation format: Featured, Oral, Mini-Oral, or Poster.
Featured Presentation
- Authors of the highest scoring abstracts appealing to the widest audience are invited to give a featured presentation in a General Session.
- The presenter will have approximately 10 minutes for their presentation followed by 5 minutes of questioning by an expert discussant.
Oral Presentation
- Authors whose work is selected for oral presentation are scheduled in a 75-minute Oral Session organized by theme.
- Each session will include four to five 15-minute presentations.
- Each presenter will have 10 minutes for the presentation, followed by 5 minutes of discussion and questions from the audience, led by the session moderators.
Mini Oral Presentation
- Authors whose work is selected for mini oral presentation are scheduled in a 60-minute Mini Oral Session organized by theme.
- Each session will include up to ten 6-minute presentations.
- The Mini Oral presentation is meant to be a "rapid fire" summation of the key learning points of the study.
- Each presenter will have approximately 4 minutes for presentation (introductory information should be excluded) followed by 2 minutes for discussion and questions from the audience, led by the session moderators.
Poster Presentation
- Authors whose work is selected for poster presentation are scheduled in Poster Sessions Sunday through Tuesday.
- Assigned posters will be displayed for viewing during the day, and presenters will stand beside their posters during the evening one-hour poster presentation time.
- Designated Poster Discussants will circulate through the poster hall to engage poster presenters in quality discussions of their work.
Notification of Acceptance or Rejection
- On 20 December, Presenting Authors of submitted abstracts will receive a status notification of acceptance or rejection.
- It is their responsibility to inform all co-authors of the submission’s outcome.
Invitation to Present at ISHLT2025
- On 10 January, 2025, Presenting Authors of accepted abstracts will receive a presentation invitation including presentation date, session assignment, and presentation format.
- They will have until 31 January, 2025 to confirm or withdraw the presentation, or to change the presenting author to another co-author listed on the abstract.
- The Presenting Author must register for and attend the Annual Meeting in person.
All accepted abstracts will be published exactly as submitted in the online April 2025 Abstract Supplement of The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation.
Accepted abstracts will also be published in the ISHLT2025 Online Program Viewer on 1 February, 2025 (abstract titles and authors only), and full abstracts on 1 March, 2025.
Submit an Abstract
If you are ready to submit your abstract, click the login button below. Remember to review the ISHLT Abstract Submission Policies before submitting your abstract. Visit our Abstract FAQ for answers to common submission questions.
All submitters must have a current disclosure in the system. Once logged in, you will be prompted to submit (or update) your disclosure if it is not current.
Help and Support
For Technical Support please contact:
cOASIS Technical Support Team
+1 217-398-1792
The support desk is staffed from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Central Time, Monday-Friday (excluding holidays)
For general submission questions please contact:
Susie Newton, ISHLT Scientific Programs Manager
+1 312-224-1341