ISHLT members participate in a variety of committees and task forces to coordinate the Society's efforts towards fulfilling its mission.
These include the Oversight Committees managing the overall activities of the Society, standing committees performing specific tasks, ad hoc committees and Task Forces, and the Steering Committees that lead the ISHLT Interdisciplinary Networks (IDNs).
Click or tap on the committee you're interested in to learn more about their work and their current volunteers.
ISHLT Committees
Education Oversight Committee
The Education Oversight Committee (EOC) is responsible for identifying and connecting the committees or task forces needed to execute projects and programs within the ISHLT education portfolio.
Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee addresses issues referred by the Board of Directors or generated by the committee and recommends strategies to advance ISHLT’s goal of fostering an ethical, diverse, and inclusive organization.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee consists of the five ISHLT officers (President-elect, President, Past- President, Secretary and Treasurer). They make urgent or emergency decisions for the Society, and provide leadership to the Board.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee assists with the development of the Society's annual budget and oversees the financial performance of the Society.
Foundation Board of Trustees
Governance Committee
The Governance Committee includes two components: a Governance Operating Committee and a Governance Nominating Committee.
Grants & Awards Committee
The purpose of the ISHLT Grants & Awards Program is to support research training in heart and lung transplantation as well as end-stage heart and lung diseases so as to encourage the development of clinical or basic science research implications.
IMACS Registry Steering Committee
The ISHLT Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support (IMACS) is an international registry intended to enroll and follow patients who receive durable mechanically assisted circulatory support devices (MCSD).
Infectious Diseases Professional Community Representatives
ISHLT Foundation Global Steering Committee
The members of the Global Steering Committee are responsible for overseeing all aspects of the Foundation’s Fostering Excellence Campaign. Their leadership and support are paramount to the ongoing success of the fundraising effort.