ISHLT/Enduring Hearts Transplant Longevity Research Grant

ISHLTEnduring Hearts

One of ISHLT's missions is to award research grants and establish endowments for the study of heart and lung transplantation and end-stage heart and lung disease. The organizational goal of Enduring Hearts is to promote research to improve longevity of, and quality of life for, pediatric heart transplant recipients, and ultimately reduce and eliminate pediatric heart disease. Our two organizations have joined forces to develop a grant, the ISHLT/Enduring Hearts Transplant Longevity Research Grant, to achieve these missions.


The purpose of the Grant is to further the scientific understanding of the determinants of pediatric transplant heart longevity and thereby improve the quality and duration of life. Grants will be made for research proposals that have a high likelihood of being translated into clinical practice within five years and those that have relevance to or directly involve pediatric transplant recipients and/or their families.

Grant Amount

This grant will be bestowed every other year in an amount of up to $160,000 for the purpose of furthering the scientific understanding of the determinants of transplanted heart longevity and thereby improve the quality and duration of life.

Current Recipient