Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions Travel Awards
The aim of the new ISHLT Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions Travel Awards is to:
- Remove economic barriers to participation in the ISHLT Annual Meeting for targeted groups
- Support the next generation of heart/lung failure specialists and ISHLT leaders
- Increase the volume and quality of science within ISHLT
There are two levels of Annual Meeting Travel Awards:
- Type 1: Travel & Registration
- Type 2: Registration
Type 1 Awards will be designated for the eligible applicants who are presenting authors of the highest scoring abstracts accepted for Oral or Mini Oral presentation. Special consideration will be given to presenting authors from developing countries. Travel will be funded for as many recipients as possible until all available funds have been distributed.
Type 2 Awards will be designated for eligible applicants who are presenting authors of the next highest scoring abstracts accepted for Oral, Mini Oral or Poster presentation. A portion of the Type 2 awards will be reserved for applicants with abstracts accepted for Poster presentation. Special consideration will be given to presenting authors from developing countries.
Notifications will be issued to all applicants by 1 March.
1a. Less than 8 hours Travel Time – $500
1b. 8 to 14 hours Travel Time – $1,000
1c. More than 14 hours Travel Time – $2,000
Eligibility Requirements:
- Applicant must be an ISHLT member
- Applicant must be the presenting author of an abstract accepted Oral or Mini Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting.
- Applicant must belong to one of the following categories:
- Clinical Fellows
- Early Career Researchers or Scientists
- Medical Students
- Non-Physicians
Eligibility Requirements:
- Applicant must be an ISHLT member
- Applicant must be the presenting author of an abstract accepted Oral, Mini Oral or Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting.
- Applicant must belong to one of the following categories:
- Clinical Fellows
- Early Career Researchers or Scientists
- Medical Students
- Non-Physicians