Research Oversight Committee
The purpose of the Research Oversight Committee (ROC) is to oversee, coordinate, and harmonize the activities of the committees under its purview to ensure that their programs and services further the Society’s research mission and strategy.
ISHLT members can log in to see contact information for each of the committee members and representatives listed below. Only ISHLT members have access to this information.

Ulrich Jorde, MD (2025)
ChairMontefiore Medical Center
Bronx, NY USA

Stephan Ensminger, MD, DPhil (2025)
Vice ChairUniversity of Lübeck
Lübeck, Germany

Diyar Saeed, MD, PhD (2025)
Board of Directors LiaisonHeart Center Niederrhein

Rebecca Cogswell, MD (2028)
Member/ International Thoracic Organ Transplant (TTX) Registry RepresentativeUniversity of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN USA

Daniel Goldstein, MD (2027)
Member/ International Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support (IMACS) RepresentativeMontefiore
Bronx, NY USA

Tereza Martinu, MD, MHS (2027)
Member/ Grants & Awards Committee RepresentativeToronto General Hospital/UHN
Toronto, Canada

Yaron Barac, MD, PhD (2025)
At Large MemberRabin Medical Center
Petah Tiqva, Israel

Maryjane Farr, MD MSc (2027)
MemberUniversity of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

Paul Tang, MD, PhD (2027)
At Large MemberMayo Clinic
Rochester, MN USA

Sue Bessner,
ISHLT Staff LiaisonISHLT
The purpose of the Research Oversight Committee (ROC) is to oversee, coordinate, and harmonize the activities of the committees under its purview to ensure that their programs and services further the Society’s research mission and strategy. The Committees under the ROC’s purview are the Grants and Awards Sub-Committee, the Thoracic Transplant Registry Steering SubCommittee, and the IMACS Registry Steering Sub-Committee.
Committee Composition
The ISHLT Research Oversight Committee (ROC) shall consist of the following:
- A Chair appointed by the Executive Committee
- The CEO or other senior staff member, serving in the capacity of Co-Chair
- The Chairs of each of the Sub-Committees under purview of the Oversight Committee
- 3 At-Large members appointed by the Co-Chairs to ensure appropriate expertise and leadership, subject to approval by the Executive Committee
- A Board member appointed by the President will serve as an ex officio member of the committee and liaison to the Board
The Chair shall serve a 3-year term, renewable once. The At-Large members shall each serve a 3-year staggered term, renewable once. The Chair may not simultaneously serve in a Board position for any other professional societies with overlapping membership and interest areas with ISHLT.
Overall Committee Responsibilities
- Ensure ISHLT’s research portfolio furthers the Society’s strategic plan
- Develop recommendations to the Board regarding the Society’s strategic plan as it relates to its research mission, including purposes, goals and strategies, tactics and outcome metrics
- Ensure the programs and services of the committees under its purview and complementary and are not duplicative of or in conflict with each other
- Assess the need for and develop proposals to the Board for the creation of new committees under its purview needed to support the research mission of the Society
Internal Outreach
- Consult with the Sub-Committees under its purview, the Advisory Forum, Interdisciplinary Network Steering Committees, and Professional Communities as needed to obtain input regarding strategies and tactics for the Society’s research mission
External Outreach
- Work with the staff Co-Chair to proactively identify and approach potential third party sources of funding for ISHLT’s research programs and services
- Work with the staff Co-Chair proactively identify and approach potential partner organizations for collaborative programs and services that further both organizations’ research missions
- Facilitate the engagement of a diverse spectrum of members across geographies, specialties, genders, and generations, as appropriate, in the leadership of ISHLT’s research programs and services
- Ensure the Society’s research programs and services are relevant and accessible to all members of the Society across geographies, specialties, and genders
Sub-Committee Oversight
- Annually work with the committees under its purview to develop annual program/service plans and outcome metrics to deliver on the Society’s strategic plan
- Solicit proposals from the Committees under its purview for new programs and services that further the established research goals and strategies of the Society
- Evaluate proposals brought forward by the Chairs of the committees under its purview in light of the Society’s established goals and strategies and bring them to the Board for approval as warranted
- Provide guidance to the Chairs of committees under its purview regarding the development and implementation of non-operational policies related to their program and service responsibilities
- Review and approve non-operational policies developed by the individual committees related to their program and service responsibilities
- Monitor adherence to policy by the Chairs of the committees under its purview and provide course correction as needed
Evaluation and Assessment
- Annually evaluate ISHLT’s research programs/services against the established goals, strategies, tactics and outcome metrics and provide a report to the Board, including recommendations for change/need for improvement as warranted
- Annually evaluate the performance of the Committees under its purview against the relevant strategies, tactics and outcome metrics and provide a report to the Board, including recommendations for change/need for improvement as warranted
- Serve as the Conflict of Interest Resolution Committee for all of the Society’s research activities
- Communicate effectively to the committees under its purview the decisions of the ROC
- Communicate effectively to the ROC the interests and concerns of the committees under its purview
- Respond promptly and by the deadline to all assigned tasks
- Come prepared and participate actively in all conference calls and meetings