Nursing & Allied Health Professional Community Representatives

ISHLT members can log in to see contact information for each of the committee members and representatives listed below. Only ISHLT members have access to this information.

Headshot of Brittany Koons

Brittany Koons, PhD (2025)

Chair/ Representative to Early Career and Trainee Committee
Villanova University M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing
Villanova, PA USA
Headshot of Edith Boyes

Edith Boyes, MSN, FNP-BC, HF-Cert (2025)

Member/ Representative to AHFTX Interdisciplinary Network Steering Committee
Ascension IL Alexian Brothers

Headshot of Kathryn Hughes

Kathryn Hughes, MSN (2027)

Member/ Representative to ALFTX Interdisciplinary Network Steering Committee
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Nashville, TN USA
Headshot of Thomas Schlöglhofer

Thomas Schloeglhofer, PhD, MSc (2027)

Member/ Representative to MCS Interdisciplinary Network Steering Committee
Medical University of Vienna
Wien, Austria
Headshot of Elsa Garza

Elsa Garza, DNP, ACNP-BC (2024)

Member/ Representative to PVD (PAH & CTEPH) Interdisciplinary Network Steering Committee
Ascension IL, Suburban Lung

Headshot of Christiane Kugler

Christiane Kugler, PhD (2025)

Member/ Representative to Leadership Advisory Forum
Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg
Reute, Germany
Headshot of Sarah Schettle

Sarah Schettle, PA-C, MS, MBA (2025)

Member/ Representative to Leadership Advisory Forum
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MN USA
Headshot of Juliet Osazemwinde

Juliet Osazemwinde,

ISHLT Staff Liaison
