ISHLT2025: Early Career & Trainee Clinical Case Dilemmas - The Best of the Best Award Session

27 April, 2025 4:30 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. EDT

Room 312, John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center
  • Annual Meeting
  • Early Career
  • Grants, Awards & Scholarships
  • ISHLT2025
  • Scientific Abstract Award
ISHLT2025 Early Career & Trainees Clinical Case Dilemmas: Best Presentation Award

This award recognizes excellence by early career and trainees from top abstracts submitted in the Early Career Clinical Case Reports category. Expert senior clinicians are invited to discuss the intricacies of these cases and share clinical pearls. At the conclusion of the session, the best case presentation is selected by a panel of judges.

The winner will be announced during the General Session on Wednesday, 30 April.

Award Finalists

Headsot of Ali Akamkam
Ali Akamkam, MD, MSc

Greater Paris University Hospitals
Paris, France

Abstract Title: First Clinical Use of a Bioprosthetic Total Artificial Heart in a Patient with an Invasive Mediastinal Tumor

Or Bruck headshot
Or Bruck, DO

Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX USA

Abstract Title: Recurrence of Pulmonary Veno-Occlusive Disease After Lung Transplant

Headshot of Anitha Chandrasekhar
Anitha Chandrasekhar, DMSc, MSc

Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Chicago, IL USA

Abstract Title: A Novel Approach to Balance Cardiac Ventricles and Maintain Tissue Perfusion After Pre-Emptive Bilateral Pneumonectomy

Headshot of Sarah Cipriano
Sarah Cipriano, MSN, AG-ACNP, CCRN

Univerity of Maryland Medical Center
Baltimore, MD USA

Abstract Title: Noninvasive Monitoring Techniques in the Pregnant Heart Transplant Patient

Headshot of Stefan Elde
Stefan Elde, MD

Stanford University
Stanford, CA USA

Abstract Title: Ex Vivo Anomalous Right Coronary Artery Translocation in the Donor Heart Prior to Transplantation

Headshot of Barbara Karner
Barbara Karner, MD

Medical University of Vienna
Wein, Austria

Abstract Title: Right-Atrial Placement of a Durable Right-Ventricular Assist Device in Severe Cardiomegaly

Headshot of Jolyn Ng
Jolyn Ng, MD

Fiona Stanley Hospital
Murdoch, WA Australlia

Abstract Title: Novel Case of Olipudase Alfa Enzyme Replacement Therapy to Treat Niemann-Pick Disease Type-B Following Lung Transplant

Headshot of Kathleen Osea
Kathleen Osea, MD

University of Chicago
Chicago, IL USA

Abstract Title: 3D Modeling as an Integral Planning Tool for Successful Combined Heart-Liver Transplant in a Patient with Situs Inversus Totalis with Complex Fontan Circulation

Headshot of Lauryn Spinetta
Lauryn Spinetta, AB

UT Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, TX USA

Abstract Title: Re-Do Sternotomy in Donation After Circulatory Determination of Death (DCD) and Donation After Brain Death (DBD) Lung Donors - A Case Series