My Abstract Was Accepted! Now What?
6 March, 2023 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Your abstract was accepted for a poster or oral presentation, now what? Join the Nursing and Allied Health Professional Community and the Early Career and Trainee Committee for a joint webinar focused on getting your abstract ready for presentation at your next professional conference. International experts are prepared to share their best tips and tricks for developing the most engaging poster and oral presentations. Are you traveling abroad for a conference and do not know what to expect or how to prepare? We have that covered too! Bring your questions! This webinar will end with an opportunity for you to engage with speakers and have all of your questions answered!
Meg Fregoso, MSN, NP-BC, CCTC
Brittany Koons, PhD, RN
Oral Rresentation Success: Trips and Tricks for Designing, Preparing, and Presenting Your Oral Presentation
Presented by Sarah Schettle, PA-C, MBA
Poster Presentation Success: Tips and Tricks for Developing an Engaging Poster Presentation
Presented by Melissa Cousino Hood, PhD
Traveling Internationally? Tips and Tricks for Presenting Abroad
Presented by Christiane Kugler, PhD, RN, FAAN
Clinical Case Reports: Tips and Tricks for the Early Career Presenter
Presented by Thomas Schloeglhofer, MSc