All That Jazz: When the Right Heart Fails in Heart Transplant, Durable VAD and Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

25 January, 2023 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. EST

  • Advanced Heart Failure & Transplantation
  • Cardiology
  • Committees & Communities
  • Mechanical Circulatory Support
  • Online Education
  • Past Webinars
  • Professional Communities
  • Pulmonary Vascular Disease (PAH & CTEPH)
Thumbnail for Cardiology Webinar

Experts across the world from the cardiology professional community integrate knowledge to describe tailored strategies to right heart failure across different clinical scenarios including heart transplantation, durable VAD and PAH.


Rachna Kataria, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA USA
Ryan Tedford, MD, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC USA


The Right Toolbox: Diagnostics and Therapeutics for RV Failure

Right heart failure can be diagnosed and managed in multiple forms. The focus on the talk will highlight the value of PAC and CV Imaging and provide an overview of the available pharmacological and device therapies as introduction to the next sessions.

Presented by Jonathan Grinstein, MD

Getting It Right: RV Failure in Heart Transplantation

Right heart failure pre- and post- heart transplantation present as complex clinical scenarios. There are guideline hemodynamics that are not always predictive. This session will begin with a case presentation and focus on the selection of recipients, optimal RV hemodynamics, and therapeutic options.

Presented by Livia Goldraich, MD, MSc

The Achilles Heel: Managing RV Failure in LVAD Patients

Right heart failure is a frequent complication following LVAD implantation and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. This session will focus on the pathophysiology and assessment of RV failure as it relates to patient selection and management both pre-and post-operatively.

Presented by Jaime A. Hernandez-Montfort MD, MPH, MSc

The RV in Crisis: Strategies in PAH

The right ventricle has prognostic implications in pulmonary arterial hypertension which can lead to RV hypertrophy, ischemia, fibrosis and failure. This session will focus on the pathophysiology of RV and PAH, hemodynamics, treatment including therapeutic targets and advanced therapies.

Presented by Jean-Luc Vachiery, MD
