Heart Failure Related Cardiogenic Shock: An ISHLT Consensus Conference Content Summary
Published 8 December 2023
Manreet K. Kanwar, MD; Filio Billia, MD, PhD; Varinder Randhawa, MD, PhD; Jennifer A. Cowger, MD, MS; Christopher M. Barnett, MD, MPH; Sharon Chih, MBBS, PhD; Stephan Ensminger, MD, DPhil; Jaime Hernandez-Montfort, MD, MSc; Shashank S. Sinha, MD, MSc; Esther Vorovich, MD, MSCE; Alastair Proudfoot, MD, PhD; Hoong S. Lim, MD; Vanessa Blumer, MD; Douglas L. Jennings, Pharm D; A. Reshad Garan, MD; Maria F. Renedo, MD; Thomas C. Hanff, MD, MSCE; David A. Baran, MD
J Heart Lung Transplant. Dec 2023
In recent years, there have been significant advancements in the understanding, risk-stratification, and treatment of cardiogenic shock (CS). There is an unmet need to identify disease-specific diagnostic and risk-stratification strategies upon admission, which might ultimately guide the choice of therapies, and thereby improve outcomes and optimize resource allocation. The heterogeneity in defining CS, patient phenotypes, treatment goals and therapies has resulted in difficulty comparing published reports and standardized treatment algorithms.
An International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT) consensus conference was organized to better define, diagnose, and manage HF-CS. There were 54 participants (advanced heart failure and interventional cardiologists, cardiothoracic surgeons, critical care cardiologists, intensivists, pharmacists, and allied health professionals), with vast clinical and published experience in CS, representing 42 centers worldwide. State-of-the-art HF-CS presentations occurred with subsequent breakout sessions planned in an attempt to reach consensus on various issues, including but not limited to models of CS care delivery, patient presentations in HF-CS, and strategies in HF-CS management. This consensus report summarizes the contemporary literature review on HF-CS presented in the first half of the conference (part 1), while the accompanying document (part 2) covers the breakout sessions where the previously agreed upon clinical issues were discussed with an aim to get to a consensus.
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