Volume 3 – Advanced Heart Failure, Parts 1 & 2

Published 1 January 2009

  • Advanced Heart Failure & Transplantation
  • Monograph
  • Publications & Journals

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James K. Kirklin, MD
Nicholas Banner, FRCP, FESC
Mariell Jessup, MD, FAHA, FACC, FESC

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Table of Contents: Part 1
SECTION I: Introduction

Chapter 1: Introduction
Mariell Jessup

SECTION II: Pathophysiology of the Failing Heart

Chapter 2: Cellular and Subcellular Abnormalities
Risto Kerkelö and Thomas Force

Chapter 3: The Cardiac Interstitium
Ahmad Munir, Richard C. Davis, and Karl T. Weber

Chapter 4: Ventricular Remodeling in Advanced Heart Failure
John Harding and Thomas P. Cappola

Chapter 5: Neurohormones and Cytokines in Heart Failure
James O. Mudd and Stuart D. Russell

Chapter 6: Exercise Intolerance in Heart Failure
Finn Gustafsson and Heather J. Ross

SECTION III: Cardiac Evaluation in the Patient with Advanced Heart Failure

Chapter 7: Clinical Assessment of Hemodynamic Status in Advanced Heart Failure
Lynne Warner Stevenson

Chapter 8: The Evolving Role for Hemodynamic Analysis in Heart Failure
David A. Kass

Chapter 9: The Role of Cardiac Catheterization in Patients Who have Advanced Heart Failure
Robert L. Wilensky and Ruchira Glaser

Chapter 10: Echocardiography
James N. Kirkpatrick

Chapter 11: Nuclear and Positron Emission Tomography Imaging
Danilo Neglia and Alessia Gimelli

Chapter 12: Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
R. O'Hanlon and D.J. Pennell

Chapter 13: Computed Tomography
Edward D. Nicol, James E. Stirrup, and Michael B. Rubens

Chapter 14: The Role of ndomyocardial Biopsy in Advanced Heart Failure
Leslie T. Cooper, Jr.

Chapter 15: B-Type Natriuretic Peptide and Other Natriuretic Factors
Roy S. Gardner and Theresa A. McDonagh

Chapter 16: Troponin and Other Biomarkers
Thomas J. Dengler, Evangelos Giannitsis and Hugo A. Katus

Chapter 17: Biomarkers and Other Prognostic Schemas in Heart Failure
Wayne C. Levy

Chapter 18: Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in Advanced Heart Failure
Santiago Miriuka and Heather J. Ross

SECTION IV: Secondary Organ Dysfunction in Heart Failure

Chapter 19: The Cardiorenal Syndrome: Pathophysiology and Management
Michael R. Smith, Jie Li, Jigar Patel, and J. Thomas Heywood

Chapter 20: The Liver in Heart Failure
Arie J. Stangou and Nicholas R. BannerChapter 21: Cognitive Dysfunction in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure
Elaine M. Winkel, Walter G. Kao, Brian D. Juncker, and Maryl R. Johnson

Chapter 22: Skeletal Muscle Dysfunction and Deconditioning in Heart Failure
Donna M. Mancini and Chim C. Lang

SECTION V: Stabilization of the Heart Failure Syndrome: First Steps and Initiating Maintenance

Chapter 23: Diuretics: Utility and Limitations
David S. Feldman, Terry S. Elton, and Kerry Pickworth

Chapter 24: Renin-Antiotensin-Aldosterone Antagonists: When, How Much, and Limiting Factors
Michael B. Fowler

Chapter 25: ß-Blockers in Heart Failure: When to Start and When to Stop
Simon F. Shakar and JoAnn Lindenfeld

Chapter 26: Vasodilator Therapy in Advanced Heart Failure
Jennifer R. Brown, Patricia A. Uber, and Mandeep R. Mehra

Chapter 27: Intravenous Inotropic Agents
Haifa Lyster and Nicholas R. Banner

Chapter 28: Anticoagulation and Antiplatelet Therapy in the Patient with Advanced Heart Failure in Sinus Rhythm
Liviu Klein and John B. O'Connell

Table of Contents: Part 2
SECTION VI: Arrhythmias and Electrical Devices in the Patient with Advanced Heart Failure

Chapter 29: Atrial Fibrillation
David G. Jones and Vias Markides

Chapter 30: Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
Zachary I. Whinnett, Darrel P. Francis, Jamil Mayet, and Nicholas S. Peters

Chapter 31: Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Devices
E. Gronda, D. Pini and A. Municinò

Chapter 32: Management of Recurrent Ventricular Arrhythmia
Matthew Wright, Ian Wright, and D. Wyn Davies

Chapter 33: Emergency Pacemakers in Advanced Heart Failure
Ralph J. Verdino

SECTION VII: Clinicopathological Correlations

Chapter 34: Acute Myocarditis: Diagnosis and Treatment
G. William Dec

Chapter 35: Giant Cell Myocarditis
Margaret M. Burke and Andrew G. Mitchell

Chapter 36: Amyloid Heart Disease
S.W. Dubrey and R.H. Falk

Chapter 37: Pericardial Disorders
Zuheir Abrahams, Hadi N. Skourie, Wilfried Mullens, Mohammad H. Yamani, and Randall C. Starling

SECTION VIII: Shock Complicating the Acute Coronary Syndrome

Chapter 38: Reperfusion and Failure of Reperfusion
H.S. Lim and J.N. Townend

Chapter 39: Myocardial Stunning
Rainer Zbinden and Michael Marber

Chapter 40: Mitral Regurgitation and Ventricular Septal Rupture After Myocardial Infarction
J.R. Pepper

Chapter 41: Shock Due to Catastrophic Loss of Myocardium
Stephen S. L. Tsui and Jayan Parameshwar

SECTION IX: Surgical Reparative Therapy

Chapter 42: Myocardial Revascularization for Heart Failure
J. Thekkudan, V.B. Dronavalli and R.S. Bonser

Chapter 43: Mitral Valve Regurgitation
G.D. Dreyfus

Chapter 44: Reverse Remodeling Procedures: Surgical Ventricular Restoration and Prosthetic Girdling Devices
Aaron S. Blom and Michael A. Acker

SECTION X: Other Therapies

Chapter 45: Intra-Aortic Balloon and Other Counterpulsation Techniques
Alistair C. Lindsay, Asghar Khaghani, and Miles C.D. Dalby

Chapter 46: Transplantation
Sharon A. Hunt

Chapter 47: Permanent Ventricular Assist Devices
Saba N. Khan and Marc A. Silver

Chapter 48: When Is Myocardial Failure Reversible
Nicholas R. Banner

SECTION XI: Supportive Care at End of Life

Chapter 49: Supportive and End-of-Life Care
Dale G. Renlund, Sally J. Brush, Kismet D. Rasmusson, and Abdallah G. Kfoury

SECTION XII: New Horizons

Chapter 50: New Horizons in the Treatment of Heart Failure
Kumudha Ramasubbu and Douglas L. Mann

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