Standards Documents Policy

Standards Documents are documents which describe standards for training, competency, or nomenclature and incorporate a development process that involves multi-disciplinary and broad geographic representation among the content contributors, as appropriate. Because of their strong connection to professional education, these will generally be developed in close collaboration with the Education Oversight Committee (EOC).

Full S&G Document Development Policies and Procedures
Identification of Need Writing and Approval Publication Assessment of Ongoing Relevance
Identification of Need

The need for a Standards Documents to be developed by ISHLT may be brought to the POC by one of the following:

  • A member of the Publications Oversight Committee
  • The Chair of the Education Oversight Committee
  • The Chair of the Research Oversight Committee
  • The Chair of an Interdisciplinary Network Steering Committee
  • The Chair of the Standards and Guidelines Committee
  • The Chair of the Leadership Advisory Forum
  • The Chair of the Early Career and Trainee Committee
  • An elected representative of one of the Professional Communities

The identification of need for a Standards Documents must include the following information:

  • The topic which the Standard will address
  • The nature of the Standard (training, competency, nomenclature, etc.)
  • A summary of the need for the Standard
  • The Professional Communities and/or Interdisciplinary Networks for which the Standards should be developed
  • The relevance of the issue from a national or international perspective (national relevance is the minimum expected; international relevance is strongly preferred)
  • A list of existing Standards promulgated by other organizations on the same or a closely related topic
  • A list of Standards under development by other organizations on the same or a closely related topic
  • A summary of why these existing Standards are not sufficient

The Publications Oversight Committee (POC) and the Education Oversight Committee (EOC) will jointly review and assess the identification of need document and, if it is determined that the need is warranted, will make a recommendation to the ISHLT Board (or Executive Committee) for the development of the proposed Standard.

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Full S&G Document Development Policies and Procedures