Professional Guidelines & Consensus Documents Policy
Professional Guidelines include strategies, information, and specific, graded recommendations that assist physicians and other healthcare practitioners in making decisions about appropriate measures of care for specific clinical circumstances. Consensus Documents summarize available information and supply general recommendations on complex or controversial areas of patient care.
Guidelines must include the following components:
- A development process that involves multi-disciplinary and broad geographic representation among the content contributors
- A comprehensive literature search and expert opinion which provides the evidence for graded recommendations
- Specific recommendations which include a formal grading based on the quality of available evidence; such grading formulations to include an evaluation of benefits, harms, burdens, and costs
Consensus Documents must include the following components:
- A development process that involves multi-disciplinary and broad geographic representation among the content contributors
- A comprehensive literature search and expert opinion which provide the evidence for general recommendations
- Consensus documents do NOT include individual recommendations that are graded by quality of available evidence
Identification of Need
Writing Committee Invitations / Conflict of Interest Management
Document Writing Policies
Document Writing Process
Document Review and Approval Process
Identification of Need
- The Standards and Guidelines (S&G) Committee will issue a request every March 1 to the Interdisciplinary Network (IDN) Steering Committees to consult with the members of their relevant Professional Communities
and develop the following for presentation to the S&G Committee by June 1:
- A list of the existing and in-development ISHLT S&G Documents, including those in which ISHLT is a joint collaborator or endorser
- A list of existing and in-development S&G Documents promulgated by other relevant organizations and in which ISHLT is not involved
- An assessment of these documents in terms of their relevance to each of the ISHLT Professional Communities and Interdisciplinary Networks
- An assessment of these document in terms of their relevance from a national or international perspective (international relevance is strongly preferred).
- An assessment of these documents in terms their need for revision to reflect recent changes in practice
- An assessment of these documents in terms of any areas of overlap and or disagreement between ISHLT documents and those of other organizations
- An assessment of any areas of practice where no relevant S&G Documents exist and for which there is a need for such to be developed
- A summary list including:
- What new documents are needed (these must be listed in rank order of importance, from the perspective of the IDN Steering Committee, based on input from the Professional Communities)
- What existing documents are in need of revision
- Which of the documents would benefit from development in collaboration with other organizations (such organizations are to be listed)
- The rationale for any recommended collaborations, including benefits to ISHLT and to the partner organization(s)
- Which of the documents would benefit from endorsement by other organizations (such organizations are to be listed)
- The rationale for any recommended endorsements, including benefits to ISHLT and to the endorsing organization(s)
- The S&G Committee will review the reports from the IDN Steering Committees and develop a list of recommendations regarding the development of new or revised S&G Documents in the coming 12-18 months, listed in priority order and
including the following information for each document:
- IDN Steering Committee recommending the document
- Type of document needed (Guideline, Consensus Statement, Standards Document)
- Desired collaborative organizations, if any
- Desired endorsing organizations, if any
- Geographic areas of the world to which the document is relevant
- Professional Communities to which the document is relevant
- Recommended publication plan (see publication section for options)
- The POC will review the list of recommendations from the S&G Committee and the reports from the IDN Steering Committees in light of the Society’s goals, objectives, and strategies and will develop a final list of priority S&G
Documents to be developed or revised in the coming year to include:
- Expectations regarding collaboration with / endorsement from other organizations
- The intentions of the JHLT Editor regarding the publication of the document (see publication section for options).
- Languages into which each document should be translated (if any)
- This list will be finalized and presented to the Board of Directors by August 1 for approval. Such approval must include approval of intended collaborations with / endorsements from other organizations, intended
publication plans, and intended translations, along with appropriate funding for the latter.
- Individual ISHLT members may make recommendations to the Professional Community leaders and IDN Steering Committees throughout the year regarding the development of S&G Documents. The decision to submit such recommendations to the
S&G Committee for consideration is at the discretion of the IDN Steering Committees.
- An IDN Steering Committee may submit recommendations to the S&G Committee at times during the year other than those described in the above Statement of Need process. The S&G Committee may choose to recommend such documents to the
POC for approval or may choose to hold the recommendation for processing in accordance with the standard annual process and timeline described above.
Any such recommendations to the POC for approval must include the following information:- The rank order of importance of the proposed document in comparison with the rank order of documents presented in the most recent list of recommendations submitted to the POC
- Whether the document would benefit from development in collaboration with other organizations (such organizations are to be listed)
- The rationale for any recommended collaborations, including benefits to ISHLT and to the partner organization(s)
- Whether the documents would benefit from endorsement by other organizations (such organizations are to be listed)
- The rationale for any recommended endorsements, including benefits to ISHLT and to the endorsing organization(s)