Exhibitor Resources

 Meeting Location

John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center
900 Boylston St.
Boston, MA 02115 USA

 Exhibitor Registration & Badges

Attendees must be registered to access the exhibit hall, ISHLT2025 scientific sessions or events. An ISHLT2025 badge is required.

Only the primary contact listed on your exhibit booth application will be given complimentary registration details. The primary contact is responsible for providing the complimentary registration codes to the approved registrants. ISHLT will not be responsible for distributing complimentary registration codes to any attendee other than the primary exhibitor contact.

Choose from one of the registration options listed below to secure your badge:

Exhibit Hall Only Access

Complimentary Exhibitor Registration for Exhibit Hall Only registrants, which will allow access to the Exhibit Hall ONLY, scientific sessions are not included. If you are interested in attending scientific sessions, see the Exhibitor All Access Registration option, below.

Complimentary Exhibit Hall Only Badges will be allotted per booth size, as follows:

  • 10’x10’: Five (5) complimentary exhibit hall only badges
  • 10’x20’: Ten (10) complimentary exhibit hall only badges
  • 10’x30’: Fifteen (15) complimentary exhibit hall only badges
  • 20’x20’: Twenty (20) complimentary exhibit hall only badges
  • 20’x30’: Thirty (30) complimentary exhibit hall only badges

If you require additional exhibit booth staff registrations beyond your complimentary exhibit booth staff registrations, there is a $75 registration fee per exhibitor.

Exhibitor Session Registration

Exhibitor All Access Registration is available to ISHLT exhibitors only, allowing exhibitors to attend scientific sessions with ISHLT attendees at a 10% discount off the industry registration fee.

Register Now
 Exhibit Hall Floor Plan

The Exhibit Hall will be in Exhibit Hall D, on Floor 2 of the John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center.

Exhibit Hall Floor Plan
 Exhibitor Services Manual

Freeman is the official exhibit services contractor, shipping supplier and advanced warehouse supplier. For more information or for further assistance with the exhibitor services manual contact Freeman at solutions@freemanco.com.

On site, Freeman staff will be available at the Exhibitors' Service Center during move-in, move-out, and show hours.

Exhibitor Ordering Information

Exhibitors who plan to use a service contractor other than those appointed by show management must submit an EAC Application. All submission must be received and paid in full before 27 March, 2025. Fees will apply.

 Exhibitor Marketing Toolkit

View the ISHLT2025 Exhibitor & Supporter Marketing Toolkit by clicking the link below. This toolkit provides resources that you can use to inform your clients, contacts, and colleagues that you are attending ISHLT2025!

Exhibitor & Supporter Marketing Toolkit
 Booth Review

New for the 2025 event, ISHLT is utilizing a simple, online portal for all booth submissions. All booths 400 sq. ft. or larger are required to submit a detailed booth diagram for approval. The process only takes a few minutes to complete and will help ensure you have a smooth onsite experience.

Booth Submission Portal

If you have questions, contact ISHLTBooths@OrganizerOps.com.

 Exhibitor Appointed Contractors (EAC)

An Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) is a company or contractor hired by the exhibitor, who is not an employee of your company or of the official show contractors. EACs are most often independent installation & dismantle companies but also include supervisors, technicians, photographers, audiovisual, floral, furniture, flooring, and any other contractors who aren’t the official contractors of the show but provide a necessary service at show site for the Exhibitor.

We recognize exhibitors may have unique needs or partnerships with vendors other than our official partners. Therefore, we allow EAC’s as long as the EAC adheres to all show and venue Rules & Regulations and carries the required insurance coverage.

EAC Submission Site

EACs will NOT be allowed on the show floor unless all the requirements are satisfied:

  • Completion of all required documentation via the online EAC portal
  • EAC must submit a valid Certificate of Insurance (COI) with the required coverage.
  • EAC must agree to the Rules & Regulations outlined in Exhibitor Service Kit along with the EAC Rules & Regulations.
  • Administrative fee is required for each exhibiting company per booth location; payment will be submitted via the online EAC portal found above.

If you have questions, contact ISHLT@EACMgmt.com.

 Shipping Information

ISHLT has selected Freeman Transportation as the shipping logistics partner. Freeman Transportation is responsible for:

  • Customs clearance
  • Transportation

For more information or for further assistance with shipping contact Freeman at exhibit.transportation@freemanco.com

 Lead Retrieval

Click the link below to purchase lead retrieval.

Purchase Lead Retrieval

If you have any questions contact ishlt25@crowdcomms.co.uk

 Hotel & Travel

For hotel & travel information, visit the Booking Boston page.

For room blocks of 10 or more rooms per night, a contract will be. Email Lisa Collins, Meetings and Industry Partnerships Manager for more information.

 ISHLT Exhibitor Guest Room Sub-block Policies
 ISHLT Exhibitor Guest Room Sub-block Policies

ISHLT has instituted the following policies and requires you, as a representative of your company, to read and agree to these terms in order to request a sub-block.

  1. ISHLT will accommodate your company’s guest room sub-block request, pending availability, for the ISHLT2025 Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions. A minimum of ten (10) guest rooms are required  for the nights of 27, 28, and 29 April, 2025. 
  2. Your company agrees to pay the contracted room rate and any applicable taxes. Suite rates will be quoted based on availability and a room rate including breakfast is not available.
  3. Between the submission of your guest room sub-block request and 5:00 p.m. EST, 10 February, 2025, ISHLT agrees to permit your company to make reductions and/or additions to the company block, changes to guest names, arrival and/or departure dates without penalty and subject to availability. Changes must be made in writing by the company representative. The guest room sub-block as of 5:00 p.m. EST, 10 February, 2025 shall be considered the “Confirmed Company Block”.
  4. Your company agrees to pay one night’s nonrefundable deposit for each room in the Confirmed Company Block as of 27 March, 2025, as required by hotel.
  5. Between 5:00 p.m. EST 10 February, 2025, and 5:00 p.m. EST, 6 March, 2025, ISHLT agrees to permit your company to make additions to the Confirmed Company Block, changes to guest names, arrival and/or departure dates. The block as of 5:00 p.m.  EST 6 March, 2025 shall be considered the “FINAL Confirmed Company Block”. (No reductions allowed after 10 February, 2025).
  6. The number of rooms remaining in your room block as of 6 March, 2025, will be considered your FINAL Confirmed Company Block. You agree that for every reserved room in your final room block that is not picked up, your company will pay to ISHLT, as attrition, an amount equal to the total number of rooms within the final room block not picked up, per night, multiplied by the contracted guest room rate, plus applicable taxes. Final charges will be determined by ISHLT following the conference and billed accordingly. This amount will be due within 30 days of billing.
  7. Your company agrees to appoint one representative to work with ISHLT and the official ISHLT Housing Bureau (ConferenceDirect) regarding the guest room sub-block, and to communicate with the company's divisions, offices, affiliates, and delegates regarding the guest room sub-block. The representative's contact information will be provided during the sub-block request process.
  8. Your representative and company agree to work directly with ISHLT and the official ISHLT Housing Bureau (ConferenceDirect) regarding all matters related to this guest room sub-block through 5:00 p.m. EST on 7 April, 2025. Your representative and company agree to work directly with the hotel after 5:00 pm EST on 8 April, 2025 through the conclusion of the meeting.
  9. Your company agrees to provide ISHLT and the official ISHLT Housing Bureau (ConferenceDirect) a complete rooming list (i.e. one name for every room) for the Confirmed Company Block and the FINAL Confirmed Company Block. These lists are due at 5:00 p.m. EST on the following date: 6 March, 2025.

    Guest rooms without an individual's name assigned will be considered canceled and removed from the sub-block on the 7 March, 2025.  Guest names within the block may be changed through 2 April, 2025 without penalty. 
  10. Your company agrees that ConferenceDirect is acting solely as an intermediary for the purpose of providing a sub-block of rooms and is not responsible for any payments or billing arrangements for these rooms.
  11. If your company intends to establish credit with the hotel for Master Account billing for the FINAL Confirmed Company Block, your company agrees to notify ISHLT and the Official ISHLT Housing Bureau (ConferenceDirect) no later than 15 January, 2025 and must have credit established no later than 3 March, 2025.
  12. The parties named in this agreement will not be responsible for failure of performance due to acts of God, acts or threats of war and/or terrorism, government regulation, natural disaster, fire, earthquakes, shortages or disruptions of the electrical power supply causing blackout or reduced utilities in a city where Hotel is located, nuclear hazard, strikes (but not by the employees or contractors of the party seeking to use this clause), labor disputes, civil disorder, curtailment of transportation facilities on which Group’s attendees would be expected to rely, public health warnings made by the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or National Institutes of Health, or any other emergency of a comparable nature beyond the parties' control, making it impossible, illegal or commercially impracticable for either party to perform its obligations under this Agreement.

For more information, contact ishlt@conferencedirect.com.

 Commercial Support Opportunities

Interested in becoming a supporter at ISHLT2025? Click the link below to view available commercial support opportunities.

Annual Meeting Support Opportunities
 Important Dates
December 2024
  • Booth assignments will be made available.
  • Registration opens.
    Register Now
January 2025
  • Freeman’s Exhibitor Services Kit will be available.
February 2025
  • Tuesday, 4 February
    • Last day to register for the meeting at the advanced reduced registration fee.
      Register Now
  • Friday, 14 February
    • Deadline for Booth Review
      • New for the 2025 event, ISHLT is utilizing a simple, online portal for all booth submissions. All booths 400 sq. ft. or larger are required to submit a detailed booth diagram for approval. The process only takes a few minutes to complete and will help ensure you have a smooth onsite experience.
        Booth Submission Portal
      • If you have questions, contact: ISHLTBooths@OrganizerOps.com.
    • Deadline to submit Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) notification. *Fees will apply.
      EAC Submission Site
    • If you have questions, contact: ISHLT@EACMgmt.com.
March 2025
  • Tuesday, 4 March
    • Receipt of advance shipments begins.
      Freeman will begin accepting shipments to their advanced warehouse. The warehouse accepts shipments Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. EDT.
      Shipping Information
  • Thursday, 13 March
  • Thursday, 27 March
    • Freeman service orders discount deadline.
      Exhibitor Ordering Information
    • Advanced warehouse shipping deadline.
      Any shipment received after this date will incur additional charges.
    • Hotel reservation deadline
      Book Hotels
    • Deadline to submit Certificate of Insurance.
      This is a requirement for all exhibitors. ISHLT must have a Certificate of Insurance (COI) on file. If you have not provided a COI, you will be prohibited from setting up your exhibit booth.
April 2025
  • Tuesday, 1 April
    • Final day to register for the meeting at the regular registration fee.
      Register Now
 Exhibit Hall Schedule
Schedule at a Glance
Exhibitor Move In

Friday, 25 April
2:00 – 6:00 p.m. | Large Island Booths Only (20x20 and 20X30)
Appointments are required. To secure your time slot, email lisa.collins@ishlt.org.

Saturday, 26 April
8:00 a.m. – 4:00pm | Exhibit Hall Set-Up – Freeman services available
4:30 – 8:00 p.m. | Exhibitor Set-Up Only

Sunday, 27 April
7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. | Exhibitor Move in
No motorized vehicles, lifts, power tools or hammering permitted

Exhibit Hall Hours

Sunday, 27 April
9:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. | Exhibit Hall Open
9:30 – 10:00 a.m. | Exhibit Hall Refreshment Break
2:30 – 3:00 p.m. | Exhibit Hall Refreshment Break
6:00 – 7:00 p.m. | Exhibit Hall Opening Reception & Poster Presentations

Monday, 28 April
9:15 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. | Exhibit Hall Open
9:15 – 9:45 a.m. | Exhibit Hall Refreshment Break
2:30 – 3:00 p.m. | Exhibit Hall Refreshment Break
4:30 – 5:30 p.m. | Exhibit Hall Reception & Poster Presentations

Tuesday, 29 April
9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. | Exhibit Hall Open
9:30 – 10:00 a.m. | Exhibit Hall Refreshment Break
2:30 – 3:00 p.m. | Exhibit Hall Refreshment Break

Exhibit Move Out

Tuesday, 29 April
3:15 – 9:00 p.m. | Exhibit Hall Booth Dismantle

Wednesday, 30 April
7:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | Exhibit Hall Booth Dismantle

 Future Annual Meeting Dates

22 – 25 April, 2026
Toronto, ON Canada
Metro Toronto Convention Centre

14 – 17 April, 2027
Sydney, NSW Australia
International Convention Centre

26 – 29 April, 2028
Seattle, WA USA
Seattle Convention Center Summit

18 – 21 April, 2029
Washington, DC USA
Walter E. Washington Convention Center

 Beware of Unofficial Suppliers

For your company’s security, make your ISHLT2025 arrangements using the information provided in emails received from ISHLT representatives. If you receive questionable correspondence and are unsure if it is valid, check with a member of the ISHLT staff to confirm the communication is from a preferred supplier before taking action.


Contact ISHLT Exhibition Management Lisa Collins, Meetings and Industry Partnerships Manager