ISHLT2025 Sessions That Fit Your Interests
Find scientific content being presented at ISHLT’s 45th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions that aligns with your interests and scope by exploring the Online Program Viewer.
The dynamic Online Program Viewer allows you to view the lineup of sessions, invited lectures, abstracts, and speakers, and makes it easy to filter by specific topics.

Filter content by core therapy (HEART, LUNG, MCS, and PVD) or practice area (any one of our ten Professional Communities). The results list can be displayed by Sessions, Presentations, or Participants by selecting the appropriate tab.

Filter ISHLT2025 content by curated topics. These hot topics will be presented at the meeting. The results list can be displayed by Sessions, Presentations, or Participants by selecting the appropriate tab.

Click the dates under “Browse by Day” and see what’s happening each day of the conference. Or, browse by session type in the column on the left. The results can be narrowed by audience or topic, so you can easily see the sessions you’re most interested in.

Use the search feature and enter a term or name to find sessions or presentations on the most relevant topics, or from a particular colleague.