New Interdisciplinary Network and Professional Community Leaders Begin Terms 1 May
New chairs of the ISHLT Interdisciplinary Network (IDN) Steering Committees and Professional Communities will take office on Monday, 1 May. Congratulations to these appointed and elected leaders for taking on these important roles for the leadership of the Society.
IDN Steering Committees + Early Career & Trainee Committee
Advanced Heart Failure and Transplantation IDN Steering Committee Chair
Nicolas Brozzi, MD
Advanced Lung Failure and Transplantation IDN Steering Committee Chair
Brian Keller, MD, PhD
Mechanical Circulatory Support IDN Steering Committee Chair
Phyllis Billia, MD, PhD
Pulmonary Vascular Disease (PAH & CTEPH) IDN Steering Committee Chair
Marc Simon, MD, MS
ISHLT Early Career + Trainee Committee Chair
Tara Veasey, PharmD, BCTXP
Anesthesiology & Critical Care Chair
Alina Nicoara, MD
Cardiology Chair
Jean-Luc Vachiery, MD
Cardiothoracic Surgery Chair
Dave Nagpal, MD, FRCSC
Infectious Diseases Chair
Stephanie Pouch, MD, MS
Nursing and Allied Health Chair
Meg Fregoso, MSN, NP-BC, CCTC
Pathology Chair
Anja Roden, MD
Pediatrics Chair
Kathleen Simpson, MD
Pharmacy Chair
Amy Kiskaddon, PharmD, MBA
Pulmonology Chair
Anna Reed, FRCP, PhD

Research & Immunology Chair
Daniel Calabrese, MD