Early Career & Trainee Clinical Case Dilemmas Best Presentation Award
This award recognizes excellence by early career and trainees from top abstracts submitted in the Early Career Clinical Case Reports category.
ISHLT offers a session each year at the Annual Meeting entitled, Early Career & Trainee Clinical Case Dilemmas: The Best of the Best.
Cases are submitted during abstract submission by early career and trainees, and the top abstracts from this category are selected for oral presentation in the session. Expert senior clinicians are invited to discuss the
intricacies of these cases and share clinical pearls. At the conclusion of the session, the best case presentation is selected by a panel of judges. The award recipient will receive complimentary registration to the next year's ISHLT Annual Meeting.
Eligibility Requirements
- Candidate must be in the early stage of their career (formal professional training completed six or fewer years ago) or in training.
- Candidate must be a current ISHLT member or working under a current ISHLT member.
- Candidate must be first author and presenter.
- Candidate must not have previously won the award.