Standards & Guidelines Committee
As part of its mission, ISHLT engages in the development of Professional Practice Guidelines and Consensus Statements, Health Policy Guidance Statements, and Standards Statements regarding care of patients with advanced heart and/or lung disease.
ISHLT members can log in to see contact information for each of the committee members and representatives listed below. Only ISHLT members have access to this information.

Sern Lim, MD (2026)
ChairUniversity Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Birmingham, United Kingdom

Patricia Ging, MSc (2025)
Past ChairMater Misericordiae University Hospital
Dublin, Ireland

Michael Shullo, PharmD (2027)
Advisory MemberWest Virginia University Hospitals
Morgantown, WV USA

Joseph Rogers, MD (2029)
Member/ JHLT RepresentativeTexas Heart Institute
Houston, TX USA

Richard Cheng, MD, MSc (2026)
Associate Chair for Advanced Heart Failure and TransplantationUniversity of Washington Medical Center

Geert Verleden, MD, PhD, FERS (2027)
Associate Chair for Advanced Lung Failure and TransplantationUniversity Hospital Antwerp
Edegem, Belgium

Mirnela Byku, MD (2026)
Associate Chair for Mechanical Circulatory SupportUniversity of North Carolina in Chapel Hill
Saint Louis, MO USA

Nicholas Kolaitis, MD (2027)
Associate Chair for Pulmonary Vascular Disease (PAH & CTEPH)University of California, San Francisco
San Rafael, CA USA

Andrea Grillini, MD (2025)
Early Career & Trainee Committee RepresentativeDuke University
Durham, NC USA

Alexander Bernhardt, MD (2025)
At Large MemberUniversity Heart and Vascular Center Hamburg
Hamburg, Germany

Nahir Cortes-Santiago, M.D., Ph.D. (2025)
At Large MemberTexas Children's Hospital

Tonya Elliott, MSN, RN, CCTC, CHFN (2025)
At Large MemberMedStar Washington Hospital Center
Reston, VA USA

Miranda Paraskeva, MBBS, MPH (2025)
At Large MemberAlfred Hospital
Melbourne, Australia

Stephanie Pouch, MD, MS (2025)
At Large MemberEmory University
Atlanta, GA USA

Megan Barrett,
ISHLT Staff LiaisonISHLT
Chicago, IL USA
As part of its mission, ISHLT engages in the regular development of Professional Practice Guidelines and Consensus Statements, Health Policy Guidance Statements, Standards Statements, and Public Comments regarding professional practice matters and the care of patients with advanced heart and/or lung disease.
Committee Composition
The ISHLT Standards & Guidelines (S&G) Committee shall consist of the following:
- Chair
- Past Chair
- Vice Chair
- Associate Chair for Mechanical Circulatory Support
- Associate Chair for Pulmonary Vascular Disease
- Associate Chair for Advanced Heart Failure & Transplantation
- Associate Chair for Advanced Lung Failure & Transplantation
- Three At Large members appointed to ensure diversity on the Committee
- JHLT Editor in Chief (advisory)
- Chair of the Publications Oversight Committee (advisory)
- ISHLT CEO or other staff member
The Vice-Chair shall be appointed by the Board, upon recommendations from the Publications Oversight Committee, for a one (1)year term, rotating into the position of Chair and Past Chair.
The Chair shall rotate into the position from the Vice-Chair position and shall serve a two (2) year term.
The Past Chair shall rotate into the position from the Chair position and shall serve as one (1) year term.
The Associate Chairs shall be appointed by their respective Interdisciplinary Network Steering Committees for a three (3) year term each.
The At-Large members shall be appointed by the S&G Committee Chair, and approved by the Executive Committee, to ensure diversity of perspective on the committee; they shall each serve one (1) year term, which may be renewed twice.
Overall Committee Responsibilities
- Understand all ISHLT policies, procedures, and applications relevant to the development and publication of S&G Documents
- Annually evaluate ISHLT’s portfolio of S&G Documents and identify those within the purview of each Interdisciplinary Network that are in need of being updated, rewritten, or retired, and work with the Interdisciplinary Network (IDN) Steering Committees to submit a proposal for their development under the S&G Committee.
- Regularly assess and bring to the attention of the Standards and Guidelines (S&G) Committee, the Publications Oversight Committee (POC), and your IDN Steering Committee any standards and guidelines documents developed or under development by other organizations that overlap with existing or planned ISHLT S&G Documents.
- Provide assessments and make recommendations to the POC regarding S&G projects to be pursued each year
- Provide guidance to members of your IDN Steering Committee regarding S&G policies, procedures, and applications
- Review and approve Initial and Follow-up Applications for S&G Documents
- Work with Project Leaders to ensure projects that are running behind are brought back on schedule
- Work with the POC to investigate projects that are more than three (3) months behind schedule and provide course correction as needed
- Review and approve final document drafts
- Engage in the development, review, and approval of health policy documents as outlined in the S&G Document Development Policies and Procedures
- Engage in the endorsement process for S&G Documents as outlined in the S&G Document Development Policies and Procedures
- Respond promptly and by the deadline to all assigned tasks
- Come prepared and participate actively in all conference calls and meetings
- In collaboration with staff, review the S&G development policies, procedures, and applications every March and identify areas that need to be revised, updated, or added