Forming a Patient Family Advisory Council to Improve Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction: A Center Specific Experience

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29 February, 2024 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST

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  • Nursing & Allied Health
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  • Webinar
Thumbnail for Nursing & Allied Health Professional Community Webinar

This Webinar will share a Center Specific Experience Forming a Patient Family Advisory Council. A Patient Family Advisory Council (PFAC) is an organization of current patients, family members and caregivers that work together to advance best practices. Volunteer patients and families collaborate with their health care team to improve the patient and family experience. This Webinar shares the motivation to form the PFAC, the how to and the impact on patient satisfaction and outcomes.


Brittany Koons PhD, RN
Colleen McIlvennan PhD, DNP, ANP


The QI Experience (The motivation to form the PFAC and the benefits)
Presented by Morgan Wahl RN, BSN

The Clinician Experience (How it has impacted our practice and future directions)
Presented by Meg Fregoso MSN, NP-BC

Live Q&A with patient PFAC members
Led by Moderators
