Making the Most of ISHLT2024: An Early Career Guide

17 January, 2024 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

  • Advanced Heart Failure & Transplantation
  • Advanced Lung Failure & Transplantation
  • Anesthesiology & Critical Care
  • Cardiology
  • Cardiothoracic Surgery
  • Committees & Communities
  • Early Career
  • Education
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Mechanical Circulatory Support
  • Nursing & Allied Health
  • Online Education
  • Past Webinars
  • Pathology
  • Pediatrics
  • Pharmacy
  • Pulmonary Vascular Disease (PAH & CTEPH)
  • Pulmonology
  • Research & Immunology
  • Webinar
Poster Presenters at ISHLT2023

As the ISHLT conference in Prague approaches, this webinar will equip participants with a comprehensive toolkit for navigating the event seamlessly. The sessions will cover essential aspects of a successful meeting, such as networking strategies, presentation excellence, and the conversion of innovative ideas into successful publications. Attendees can expect valuable insights to enhance their overall conference experience and professional development. This session is tailored for early career professionals and trainees.


Click any of the drop downs below to learn more about the specific talks being presented as part of this webinar.

Networking Wizardry: Unveiling Prime Opportunities at ISHLT in Prague

This talk will review key dates to be aware of when preparing for the meeting (i.e., registration, hotel reservations, and when abstracts will be available. The speaker will highlight networking opportunities pertinent to an early career and trainee audience, including pre-conference academies, the Early Career symposium, Meet the Experts, and Professional Community networking.

Presented by Ashley Fritz, DO.

Symposium Spotlight: Ready, Set, Shine – Preparing for Your Invited Presentation

This talk will give advice on how to prepare for an invited symposium presentation. The speaker will discuss the importance of collaborating with other speakers for the session and will describe how to prepare for the pre-conference planning meetings. Advice will be given for how to give an educational and engaging talk based on the title/description provided to you.

Presented by Nicholas Kolaitis, MD.

Charting New Frontiers: Navigating ISHLT2025 Symposium Submissions

This talk will demystify preparing a symposium submission for future ISHLT meetings. The speaker will break down the process and give tips for leveraging ISHLT2024 to collaborate and brainstorm for ISHLT2025. Details about what the program committee looks for when selecting symposia will be discussed, and advice will be given for how to develop a strong symposia submission.

Presented by Amy Kiskaddon, PharmD.

Beyond the Podium: Guiding Your Ideas from Presentation to Published Excellence

This talk will provide guidance for carrying an idea forward after presentation to reach publication. Suggestions will be given for how to incorporate questions/comments from the meeting to improve your paper. The speaker will also discuss opportunities for networking at the meeting to identify collaborators to write with in the future.

Presented by Alexander Bernhardt, MD.


All speakers, plus:

  • Kiran Khush, MD, MAS, Standford University, Stanford, CA USA
    ISHLT2025 Program Chair
  • Michelle Kittleson, MD, PhD, Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute, Los Angeles, CA USA
    JHLT Interim Editor-in-Chief
  • René Novysedlák, MD, Charles University / Motol University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic

