Heroic Pathways: Navigating Your Career Journey with Superhero Wisdom

13 September, 2023 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

  • Committees & Communities
  • Early Career
  • Education
  • Online Education
  • Past Webinars
  • Webinar
Photo of people walking at ISHLT2023

Hear from international experts from the ISHLT community about how to get more involved at your institution, step into the roles that will advance your career, and get more engaged with ISHLT.


Click any of the drop downs below to learn more about the specific talks being presented as part of this webinar.

The Rise of a Career Avenger: Finding Your Leadership Powers

How to get started in a leadership role early in your career.

Presented by David Peng, MD
AHFTX ISN Steering Committee, Pediatrics PC Representative
Grants & Award Committee

Thor's Hammer of Transformation: Moving Mentees into Marvelous Action

How you encourage mentees to find their own path, to flourish outside of an initial niche with a mentor.

Presented by Andreas Zuckermann, MD
ISHLT Board of Direcotrs, Past President

Guardians of Unity: The Marvel of Making a Team

Once you’ve found your role, how to build, grow, & maintain a strong team.

Presented by Haifa Lyster, PhD, FRPharmS, FFRPS
AHFTX IDN Steering Committee, Chair, Pharmacy PC Representative
Grants & Award Committee
