The Future is Now: Use of Hepatitis B Virus and HIV Positive Donors for Thoracic Transplant
27 February, 2023 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Co-Presented with the Transplant ID Section of TTS
The number of patients awaiting thoracic transplantation continues to exceed the number of available donor organs, highlighting the clinical and public health need to expand the donor pool. While there is limited experience with transplantation of thoracic
organs from HBV- or HIV-infected donors, transplantation of thoracic organs from HBV-infected donors into HBV-negative recipients and from HIV-infected donors into recipients living with HIV may provide new hope for those on the waitlist. However,
this also presents unique challenges for physicians managing the increased complexity of these transplants. This session, presented by ISHLT and the Transplant Infectious Diseases Section (TID) of The Transplantation Society (TTS), will educate providers
on how best to weigh the opportunities and challenges of these organs, summarize the available data for HBV-mismatched transplants and transplantation of organs from HIV+ donors to recipients living with HIV, and share experiences from two centers
conducting transplants using the HBV+ and HIV+ donor pool.
Rebecca Kumar, MD, MS
Marcelo Radisic, MD
HIV Positive-to-HIV Positive Transplants
Presented by Valentina Stosor, MD
Use of HBV+ Organ Donors
Presented by Cameron Wolfe, MBBS(Hons), MPH