Transplantation in Children with Marginal Pulmonary Vasculature

3 February, 2023 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

  • Committees & Communities
  • Education
  • Online Education
  • Past Webinars
  • Pediatrics
  • Professional Communities
  • Webinar
Thumbnail for Pediatrics Webinar

This interactive webinar will explore the management and transplant considerations for children with congenital heart disease and marginal pulmonary vasculature. After a case presentation, invited experts will provide insights into available mechanical support options, heart versus heart-lung transplantation considerations, and potential surgical strategies for this challenging population of patients.


Carol Conrad, MD
Kyle Hope, MD


CASE PRESENTATION: Child with Tetralogy of Fallot / Pulmonary Atresia / MAPCAs s/p Unifocalization and Pulmonary Artery Interventions Now with Heart Failure and Under Consideration for Heart vs Heart-Lung Transplant
Presented by Melodie Lynn, DO, MS

Bridging Strategies – What MCS Options are Available for the Failing Subpulmonary Ventricle?
Presented by Rebecca Kameny, MD

Heart vs Heart-Lung Decision-Making
Presented by Marc Schecter, MD

Surgical Considerations: Transplantation After Pulmonary Artery Reconstruction
Presented by Michael Ma, MD

Panel Discussion with All Speakers
