Donor Lung Management From the ICU Onwards

14 December, 2022 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST

  • Advanced Lung Failure & Transplantation
  • Online Education
  • Past Webinars
Advanced Lung Failure & Transplantation Interdisciplinary Network Logo

Organ preservation starts in the donor ICU and the donor organ journey can significantly impact recipient outcomes. Intensive care clinicians commit to providing the highest number of donor organs in the best possible condition through the optimization of donor physiology.

The webinar will discuss strategies for donor organ optimization prior to organ retrieval and consider the role for centralized donor management. Regulatory, legal, and ethical barriers to deceased organ donor intervention will also be explored.


Pablo Sanchez, MD, PhD
Julien Fessler, MD

CASE PRESENTATION: Preservation Starts in the ICU

The case will demonstrate donor optimization/cardiothoracic scout project.

Presented by Jennifer Baxter, RN

Supporting Organ Approach to Donor Optimization

Regulatory, legal and ethical considerations in deceased donor intervention and research.

Presented by Are Holm, MD, PhD

The Checklist Approach to Donor Optimization

A critical review of the currently available treatments or interventions used during donor management and the role for a donor optimization care bundle.

Presented by Julien Fessler, MD

The Role for Centralized Donor Facilities

The impact of the specialized donor care facility model on protocolized management, organ utilization, logistical efficiency, and cost effectiveness.

Presented by Stephanie Chang, MD

Q&A Discussion with All Speakers
