2019 ISHLT Academy Core Competencies in Pediatric Heart Failure

2 April, 2019 7:55 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. EST

Orlando, FL, USA

  • Academy
  • Advanced Heart Failure & Transplantation
  • Cardiology
  • Education
  • In Person Education
  • Past Academy
  • Pediatrics
ISHLT Academies Logo

This course is designed for pediatric cardiologists, early career professionals and advance practice nurses with an interest in pediatric heart failure. Each section is designed with focused, didactic lectures followed by an interactive Q&A. The course will start by covering general topics of pediatric heart failure – epidemiology, pathophysiology and etiology of pediatric heart failure. The course will then move to the diagnostic approach and medical management of pediatric heart failure, including a section on acute decompensated heart failure. The course will then cover the topics of a multi-disciplinary approach to heart failure as well as activity restrictions, precautions and the management of co-morbidities. Next, the timing and outcomes of advanced heart failure therapies will be discussed. The course will conclude with a discussion on unique patient populations (including heart failure in congenital heart disease) as well as future directions of heart failure therapies and research topics to progress the field of pediatric heart failure.

While all members are invited to enroll, this course is primarily designed to be of benefit for clinicians and allied health professionals who are in the early stages of their careers, or who are in training and/or are part of a new program, or desire an update on the current state of the field.

Scientific Program

Academy Chairs

Headshot of Ryan ButtsRyan Butts, MD
Academy Chair
University of Texas Southwestern
Dallas, TX USA
Headshot of Heather HendersonHeather Henderson, MD
Academy Co-Chair

Medical University of South Carolina
Charleston, SC USA
Academy Faculty
Scientific Program Committee

Rachel Andrews, FRCPCH, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, United Kingdom
Jennifer Conway, MD, University of Alberta/Stollery Children’s Hospital, Edmonton, AB Canada
Claire Irving, FRACP, MD, Children’s Hospital West Mead, Sydney, NSW Australia
Joseph Rossano, MD, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA USA


Rachel Andrews, FRCPCH, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, United Kingdom
Michael P. Carboni, MD, Duke Children's Hospital, Durham, NC USA
Jennifer Conway, MD, Stollery Children’s Hospital, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB Canada
Anne Dipchand, MD, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON Canada
Claire Irving, FRACP, MD, Children’s Hospital Westmead, Sydney, NSW Australia
Robert Jaquiss, MD, Children's Medical Center, Dallas, TX USA
Paul F. Kantor, MBBCh, FRCPC, Stollery Children’s Hospital, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB Canada
Richard Kirk, FRCP, FRCPCH, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX USA
Jodie Lantz, MSN, RN, PCNSBC, Children's Health Dallas, Dallas, TX USA
Jack F. Price, MD, Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, TX USA
Joseph Rossano, MD, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA USA
Leonardo Salazar, MD, Fundacion Cardiovascular de Colombia, Floridablanca, Colombia
Robert Shaddy, MD, The Children's Hospital, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Jeffrey Towbin, MD, Le Bonheur Children's Hospital, Memphis, TN USA