Thoracic Transplant Pharmacy Professionals Core Competency Curriculum

First Edition

Published 1 June 2015

Michael Shullo, PharmD; Robert Lee Page, II, PharmD, MSPH; Christopher Ensor, PharmD; Rocehlle Gellatley, BSc. Pharm, PharmD; Adam Cochrane, PharmD; Edward Horn, PharmD; Patricia Gin, BPharm, MSc; MPSI; Katrina Ford, BSc; BPharm, MSc; Walter Uber, PharmD; Jeffiner Eshelman, PharmD; Patricia Uber, PharmD

  • Academy
  • Advanced Heart Failure & Transplantation
  • Advanced Lung Failure & Transplantation
  • Cardiology
  • Cardiothoracic Surgery
  • Core Competency Curriculum
  • Education
  • Mechanical Circulatory Support
  • Pharmacy
  • Pulmonology
  • Standards & Guidelines

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Over the past four decades, there has existed a world-wide trend for the practice of pharmacy to move away from its original focus on medication distribution and towards a more inclusive focus on patient care. The role of the pharmacist has evolved from a compounder and supplier of medications to that of a provider of information regarding complex pharmacotherapy and ultimately a more direct role in patient care, which has inevitably evolved into an educational
mandate for professionals in this field.

As variations exist world-wide in the education, expertise, and clinical practice of thoracic pharmacy practitioners, the purpose of this compendium of core competencies is designed to provide a concise synopsis of clinical knowledge and associated essential professional skills to facilitate the mastery of pharmacotherapy involved in the care of patients receiving a heart or lung transplant. This compendium cannot replace organized professional development and
internationally recognized certification. The contents focused on organ-specific and population specific competencies. The key learning objectives are outlined and extensive referencing may assist individual self-directed study. This is intended to augment competency in various aspects of thoracic transplantation.