ISHLT/ATS/ASTP/ERS International Guidelines for the Selection of Lung Transplant Candidates

Published 14 October 1998

Janet R. Maurer; Adaani E. Frost; Marc Estenne; Timothy Higenbottam; Allan R. Glanville; Robert Aris; Richard G. Barbers; Robyn Barst; Maher A. Baz; Willem de Boer; Paul A. Corris; John Dark; R. Duane Davis; Jim J Egan; Thomas M. Egan; Edward R. Garrity; Jr.; Leo C. Ginns; Sergio Harari; Sheila Haworth; Marshall I. Hertz; Robert J Keenan; Cesar Keller; Steven Kesten; Thomas J Kirby; Timothy J Locke; George B. Mallory; Keith McNeil; I.L. Paradis; G.A. Patterson; Stuart Rich; Lewis J Rubin; Mark Schluchter; Larry L. Schulman; Gerard Simmoneau; Victor F. Tapson; E.P. Trulock; Carol Vreim; Martin Zamora.

Transplantation. Oct 1998; 66(7): 951-956

  • Advanced Lung Failure & Transplantation
  • Joint Statement
  • Professional Guideline
  • Publications & Journals
  • Pulmonology
  • Standards & Guidelines

ISHLTAmerican Thoracic Society (ATS)American Society of Transplantation (AST) LogoEuropean Respiratory Society (ERS) Logo

More than 6400 lung transplants have been performed since the first successful operations in the early 1980s and lung transplant programs now exist in many countries. Internationally, the number of donor organs available is far fewer than the number of patients with end-stage lung disease causing many candidates die on the waiting list. Considering the resource limitations and the importance of assuring optimum outcomes, we believe that international guidelines for selection of appropriate candidates for lung transplant will ensure a fair distribution of donor organs.

This document from ISHLT, the American Thoracic Society (ATS), the American Society of Transplantation (AST) (formerly known as the American Society of Transplant Phsycians, ASTP), and the European Respiratory Society (ERS) describes general health guidelines which all candidates for lung transplantation should meet, and disease specific exercise or lung function criteria which are generally felt to identify patients whose poor prognosis from their underlying disease justify transplantation.

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