ISHLT Response to OPTN Ethical Evaluation of Multiple Listings White Paper
Published 8 March 2023

ISHLT Level of Support:
Support the Policy
Read the OPTN Comment
The International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT) appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback on the “Ethical Evaluation of Multiple Listings White Paper” OPTN special public comment.
ISHLT supports this white paper which is a very comprehensive and well written analysis that effectively lays out the pros and cons of multiple listing and provides OPTN data to support the conclusions and recommendations made. Although the adoption of continuous distribution policies are also intended to address some of the issues with difficult to match candidates for which the Committee supports maintaining multiple listing options, if implementation of those policies do not achieve their goal, this white paper will serve as a good resource in the event that the OPTN Board of Directors chooses to pursue the recommended policy changes.