ISHLT Academy: Pediatric Science is Coming to Prague

Published 13 February 2024
  • Academy
  • News
  • Pediatrics

Experience immersive learning by attending the ISHLT Academy Core Competencies in Pediatric Transplantation taking place in Prague on Tuesday, 9 April, 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. CET. 

This unique course will be applicable to pediatric transplant team members that participate in either heart or lung transplantation. After sessions applicable to both heart and lung transplantation, the Academy will feature a Heart Pathway breakout and a Lung Pathway breakout. The course was developed for those new to the profession or who need a refresher in best practices.  

For a full list of faculty members, the preliminary program, and to see the other Academies available, visit the ISHLT website

Academy Chairs

Melanie Everitt, MD
Children's Hospital Colorado
Aurora, CO USA



Jeffrey Feinstein, MD, MPH
Stanford University
Palo Alto, CA USA



Headshot of Martin SchweigerMartin Schweiger, MBA, FABS, FEBS
Children's Hospital Zurich
Zurich, Switzerland



Headshot of Brigitte WillemseBrigitte Willemse, MD, PhD
University Medical Center Groningen
Groningen, Netherlands



Registration is separate from the conference—you don’t have to attend ISHLT2024 to take advantage of the ISHLT Academy, but an Academy course is a great complement to your Annual Meeting experience. 

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